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                             14 results found
no title author magazine year volume issue page(s) type
1 Complementary contribution of social capital accessible from friends to achievement in life Cheung, Chau-kiu

1 10 article
2 Determinants of temporary migration of rural small, marginal and landless households in West Bengal, India Debnath, Manoj

1 10 article
3 Examining the elevated risk of COVID-19 in transgender communities with an intersectional lens Goldie, Peter D.

1 10 article
4 Indigenous migration patterns in Brazil based on the 2010 national demographic census: analysis and critical reflection de Campos, Marden Barbosa

1 10 article
5 Linking research, education and citizen codesign: compact cities as social intensification Stenberg, Jenny

1 10 article
6 Peer Assessment for teaching quality of online writing classes in higher education: investigating learning styles’ impact Zaky, Hany

1 10 article
7 Plotless actions with nevertheless a plot: the assemblage of a hybrid learning environment Simon, Frits

1 10 article
8 Predictors of academic performance among girls in south Indian cities Raja, Ambika M.

1 10 article
9 Social, economic, personal, family, and institutional influences on engineering students’ choice of degree program Sundly, Amit

1 10 article
10 Suggestions to improve outcomes for male victims of domestic abuse: a review of the literature Moore, Tanis

1 10 article
11 The evolving dynamics of land administration and its implications for physical planning in Sub-Saharan Africa: experiences from Wa, Ghana Akanbang, Bernard Afiik Akanpabadai

1 10 article
12 The use of digital technology in foreign language learning Bećirović, Senad

1 10 article
13 Urban well-being indicators: learnings from a participatory adjustment of the OECD Better-Life Index Schleicher, Katharina

1 10 article
14 Young motherhood: levels and socioeconomic determinants of adolescent fertility in Ghana Nyarko, Samuel H.

1 10 article
                             14 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands