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                             56 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Abrogation of article 370 and the question of asymmetrical federal arrangement in Northeast India Alam, Hm Izhar

12 artikel
2 A constantly improving model for universities readiness in the application of e-learning practices during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative approach Ordoo, Fatemeh

12 artikel
3 A missing theoretical element of online higher education student attrition, retention, and progress: a systematic literature review Rotar, Olga

12 artikel
4 An analysis of the access to academic resources in higher study in Bangladesh: a case study of the University of Dhaka Tabassum, Fariha

12 artikel
5 An empirical analysis of the relationship between nature of science and critical thinking through science definitions and thinking skills Manassero-Mas, María Antonia

12 artikel
6 Can demographic targeting alter short-term fertility decisions? The effects of humanitarian assistance on the fertility behaviour of Syrian refugees in Turkey Bozdag, Ilgi

12 artikel
7 Children of new immigrants in Taiwan: educational outcomes in secondary education Tsou, Tzung-Ruei

12 artikel
8 Comparing a theoretical academic model against a training program dataset to propose an applied model Cantrell, Randall

12 artikel
9 Coping with disasters: changing patterns of disaster risk reduction activities in the southwestern coastal areas of Bangladesh Sony, M. M. Abdullah Al Mamun

12 artikel
10 Correction to: Implementing ‘real’ change: a Bourdieusian take on stakeholder reflections from the United Nations Partnership on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities project in Uruguay Wescott, Holly

12 artikel
11 Correction to: Reader perception of and attitude to English-Chinese advertising posters: an eye tracking study Cui, Ying

12 artikel
12 Did she do it? Assessing culpability among a true crime audience Sacks, Meghan

12 artikel
13 Differential impact, differential adjustments: diverse experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic by college students in an Upper-Midwestern University, USA Karikari, Isaac

12 artikel
14 Difficult to define, easy to understand: the use of genre categories while talking about music Cerati, Gabriele

12 artikel
15 Effect of national policies on the researchers’ interests in Mainland China: a case study of the Yangtze River Delta region Chao, Zhenhua

12 artikel
16 Empowering students to confront environmental injustice: Dialogue, theory, empathy, and partnership Chiles, Robert Magneson

12 artikel
17 Ethno-Realistic Mathematics Education: The promising learning approach in the city of culture Prahmana, Rully Charitas Indra

12 artikel
18 Examining the link between science self efficacy and science performance: evidence from a U.S. assessment Saroughi, Maryam

12 artikel
19 Exploring cultural policies in Southern Europe from the lens of conviviality in contexts of super-diversity Padilla, Beatriz

12 artikel
20 Exploring gender role attitude of stay-at-home and employed married women in Delhi Thakur, Jyoti

12 artikel
21 Exploring Kente weaving industry to drive smart community development in Ghana King, Rudith Sylvan

12 artikel
22 Forest management and conservation under the REDD + initiative: community perspectives across an altitudinal gradient in the Rubeho Mountain Ecosystem in Tanzania Uisso, Amani J.

12 artikel
23 Gender differences in the professional experiences of Iran specialists in American academia Borquez, Julio

12 artikel
24 Global Chinese migration in geographical perspective: a Kolkata (Calcutta) case study Roy, Kunaljeet

12 artikel
25 Housing movements and formal–informal planning practices in metropolitan Sao Paulo, Brazil Abubakari, Mohammed

12 artikel
26 Implementing ‘real’ change: a Bourdieusian take on stakeholder reflections from the United Nations Partnership on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities project in Uruguay Wescott, Holly

12 artikel
27 Importance of incorporating cosmopolitan and multicultural principles in education in Canada Lucin, Bianca

12 artikel
28 Importance of the human factor in user satisfaction with local government office counter services: on-site survey of Higashihiroshima city hall users Moteki, Yasutoshi

12 artikel
29 Indian parliamentary discourse and securitization of Bangladeshi immigration into India Das, Sumana

12 artikel
30 Influence of course content on preschool teacher candidates’ classroom management strategies, professional beliefs and emotion regulation skills Asi, Derya

12 artikel
31 Intra-household decision-making and perceived climate change resilience among smallholder farmers in semi-arid northern Ghana Batung, Evans

12 artikel
32 Lessons for science and technology policy? Probing the Linkedin network of an RDI organisation Sachini, Evi

12 artikel
33 Masks and air rage: a qualitative content analysis using an interaction ritual framework O’Hara, Brian

12 artikel
34 Maternal education and child malnutrition: evidence from selected West African countries Yorke, Frederick Richmond

12 artikel
35 Migration and poverty in the Global South: an integrated review Fuseini, Moses Naiim

12 artikel
36 Of preaching water and drinking wine: the role of administration in academic integrity Griffith, Nathan D.

12 artikel
37 Perceptions of the sport leadership labyrinth through the career pathways of intercollegiate women administrators Darvin, Lindsey

12 artikel
38 Project-based engineering learning in college: associations with self-efficacy, effort regulation, interest, skills, and performance Wu, Liang Li

12 artikel
39 Qualitative content analysis of Nigerian heads-of-state and presidents’ inaugural addresses: text mining, topic modelling and sentiment analysis Fowobaje, Kayode Raphael

12 artikel
40 Racial socialization: the development of perceptions about law enforcement among minority college students Joseph, Justin J.

12 artikel
41 Respectful maternity care in the UK using a decolonial lens Lokugamage, Amali U.

12 artikel
42 Rural small scale farmers’ smart mobile phone usage acceptance prognosticators for agricultural marketing information access Nyagadza, Brighton

12 artikel
43 School principals versus teachers’ expectations: the interplay between school leadership and teachers’ job satisfaction in rural Tanzania Mgaiwa, Samson John

12 artikel
44 Searching missing links between hereditary vocation, community development, and well-being: a case study of snake charmer community (West Bengal, India) Halder, Somenath

12 artikel
45 Socio-legal implications of Muslim–Christian conjugal relations in contemporary Zongo communities in Accra Owoahene-Acheampong, Stephen

12 artikel
46 Strategies for retention of women lecturers in mathematical sciences in Government Universities in Uganda Kabuye Batiibwe, Marjorie Sarah

12 artikel
47 Supporting the integration of first-year undergraduate widening participation sport students into university: the role of online programme induction Hayman, Rick

12 artikel
48 Teenagers’ risk perception and awareness in the context of cultural bias and prior earthquake event in Iran Kazemi, Nasrin

12 artikel
49 The archaeology of communities of practice in the southern Strait of Georgia, Salish Sea Ewonus, Paul A.

12 artikel
50 The construct validity of student engagement in selected Indian business schools: a confirmatory factor analysis approach Mistry, Janki

12 artikel
51 The gendered nature of independence in the context of research funding and excellence Schiffbaenker, Helene

12 artikel
52 The impact of organizational trust on the performance of police departments Kraig, Adriana

12 artikel
53 The role of leadership in educational innovation: a comparison of two mathematics departments’ initiation, implementation, and sustainment of active learning Funk, Rachel

12 artikel
54 To wear or not to wear? Unpacking the #NoMask discourses and conversations on Twitter Lavorgna, Anita

12 artikel
55 Understanding public confidence in the police within a changing crime landscape Dawson, Paul

12 artikel
56 Understanding the drivers of smartphone addiction among university students: a perspective from Bangladesh Mahmud, Ashek

12 artikel
                             56 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland