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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Axiomatizing additive multi-effort contests Hausken, Kjell

1 11 artikel
2 Correction to: A project-based purchasing portfolio matrix applied to the Australian construction industry Bildsten, Louise

1 11 artikel
3 Determinants of income inequality among urban households in Ethiopia: a case of Nekemte Town Teshome, Gemechis

1 11 artikel
4 Do fluctuations in exchange rate hinder non-oil export? An analysis of agriculture and manufacturing in Nigeria Mesagan, Ekundayo Peter

1 11 artikel
5 Effects of cocoa swollen shoot virus disease (CSSVD) on the welfare of cocoa farmers in Ghana: evidence from Chorichori community of the Sefwi Akontombra district Agyeman-Boaten, Solomon Yaw

1 11 artikel
6 Healthcare provider response to payment system reform: evidence from New Zealand Shin, Somi

1 11 artikel
7 How constraining are electricity fluctuations to Ghanaian firms’ performance? Sosi, Edwin Teye

1 11 artikel
8 Risk of hospital insolvency and its relationship with income and borrowings from banks: a case–control study with large-scale financial data in Japan Tsuboi, Satoshi

1 11 artikel
9 Secret contracting and Nash-in-Nash bargaining Bacchiega, Emanuele

1 11 artikel
10 The effect of firm performance on CEO compensation: the moderation role of SOE reform Chukwuma, Ngonadi Josiah

1 11 artikel
11 The role of green HRM in driving a firm's green competitive advantage: the mediating role of green organizational identity Muisyo, Paul Kivinda

1 11 artikel
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland