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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Directly grown TiO2 nanotubes on carbon nanofibers for photoelectrochemical water splitting Han, Hyungkyu

1 46 p. 3145-3150
2 Facile Preparation of TiO2-SnO2 Catalysts using TiO2 as an Auxiliary for Gas Sensing and Advanced Oxidation Processes Malik, Ritu

1 46 p. 3157-3162
3 Formation of TiO2 Electrically Insulated Oxide Coatings in Mode of Alternating Current Application Karabanov, Sergey M.

1 46 p. 3163-3168
4 Innovative Approaches to Addressing the Fundamental Materials Challenges in Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Miller, Eric L.

1 46 p. 3107-3119
5 Optical Properties of Multilayers TiO2/SnO2:F Thin films Ching-Prado, Eleicer

1 46 p. 3133-3138
6 Ropy foam-like TiO2 film grown by water-based process for electron-conduction layer of perovskite solar cells Alhasan, Sarmad Fawzi Hamza

1 46 p. 3169-3174
7 Surface-Charge-Enabled Photolytic Hydrogen Generation in V2O5•H2O/Au Nanoconjugates Varghese, Sunith

1 46 p. 3121-3126
8 Surface Composition of TiO2-Zn Nanotubes by NanoSIMS Mishra, Indu B.

1 46 p. 3151-3156
9 The Features of TiO2 Films Structure Formation under Conditions of Electrochemical Anodizing by Direct Current with Variable Component Application Karabanov, Sergey M.

1 46 p. 3127-3131
10 Voltage-controlled reactive magnetron sputtering of Nb-doped TiO2 films: electrical and optical properties Seeger, Stefan

1 46 p. 3139-3144
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland