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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Aggravating Students’ Structural Vulnerabilities: Cruel Miseries of Selection for ‘Success’ in Schools with Power-Marginalised Intake Zipin, Lew

4 4 p. 401-420
2 Alternative Education, Youth and Vulnerability: a Quest for Genuine Re-engagement or a Reification of ‘the Normal’? Dadvand, Babak

4 4 p. 345-361
3 Karla Elliott: Young Men Navigating Contemporary Masculinities Brickell, Chris

4 4 p. 421-422
4 Negotiating Vulnerabilities in Space and Time in the Twenty-First Century Black, Rosalyn

4 4 p. 329-343
5 Shaping the Selves of “At Risk” Youth in Debt and Poverty in the Context of Economic Vulnerability Mäkelä, Kalle

4 4 p. 363-380
6 The Positivity Imperative in Youth Education as a Form of Cruel Optimism Brunila, Kristiina

4 4 p. 313-327
7 Vulnerability as a Precondition for Resistance and Agency: Young Women in a Regional Community te Riele, Kitty

4 4 p. 381-399
8 Youth, Education and the Ethos of Vulnerability in Uncertain Times Dadvand, Babak

4 4 p. 307-312
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland