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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 COMMONSIM: Simulating the utopia of COMMONISM Gerdes, Lena

4 3 p. 559-595
2 Envisioning post-capitalist utopias via simulation: Theory, critique and models Pahl, Hanno

4 3 p. 445-465
3 Expanding the possible: exploring the role for heterodox economics in integrated climate-economy modeling Proctor, J. Christopher

4 3 p. 537-557
4 Heterodox modeling: practicing well-tuned provisioning or commoning with networked multi-agent environments Miyazaki, Shintaro

4 3 p. 597-610
5 On the limits of planning in labor time from the standpoint of the theory of value Ferrer-Hernández, Jacobo

4 3 p. 515-535
6 Sign systems of lust and slavery Hanappi, Hardy

4 3 p. 481-496
7 There's no such thing as 'the economy', stupid: using Utopia to imagine society 'after money'. Levitas, Ruth

4 3 p. 467-479
8 Tokens make the world go round: socialist tokens as an alternative to money Dapprich, Jan Philipp

4 3 p. 497-513
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland