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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adolescent Ratings of Moral Violations Moderated by Gender and Political Identity Bretl, Brandon L.

30 3 p. 608-619
2 Air Disaster: Coping Strategies, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Lenhardt, Gabriela

30 3 p. 528-548
3 Authenticity, Volition, and Motivational Persistence Predicting Well-being: a Self-determination Theoretical Perspective Ionescu, Daniela

30 3 p. 468-479
4 Evaluating Mindfulness Self-Report Questionnaires for Scale Development in a Multi-ethnic Asian Context: a Focus Group Discussion Henderson, Stacey Lee

30 3 p. 591-607
5 “It’s true! I saw it on WhatsApp”: Social Media, Covid-19, and Political-Ideological Orientation in Brazil Ramos, Mozer de Miranda

30 3 p. 570-590
6 Quality of Life of Sickle Cell Disease Patients After Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: a Longitudinal Study dos Santos Lotério, Lucas

30 3 p. 513-527
7 Reinforcement Sensitivity Personality Factors, BMI, and Lack of Inhibitory Control as Predictors of Trait Food Craving Weydmann, Gibson

30 3 p. 442-454
8 Sexual Racism in Brazil: Aesthetic Preference, Beauty Models and Stereotypes Lima, Marcus Eugênio Oliveira

30 3 p. 480-496
9 Stress and Violence in Video Games: Their Influence on Aggression Barrington, Genicelle

30 3 p. 497-512
10 The Association between Perceived Stress, Psychological Distress, and Job Performance During the COVID-19 Pandemic: the Buffering Role of Health-Promoting Management Practices Meunier, Sophie

30 3 p. 549-569
11 The Influence of the Quality of Filial Relationship on the Mental Health of Children Caregivers Nathalie Ferraresi Rodrigues Queluz, Francine

30 3 p. 455-467
12 Well-being, Perceived Stress and Their Relations with Health-Relevant Behaviours Among Italian Medical Students: a Cross-Sectional Study at Sapienza University of Rome Carpi, Matteo

30 3 p. 425-441
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland