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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Are Mastery-Oriented College Students Better Time Managers? Romero, Miriam

30 2 p. 384-399
2 Evidence of Validity for the Brazilian Version of the Young Schema Questionnaire—Short Form (YSQ-S3) Heineck de Souza, Lauren

30 2 p. 225-241
3 Follow-up Evaluation of Psychotherapy Protocols for Women with a History of Intimate Partner Violence: Scoping Review Foschiera, Laura Nichele

30 2 p. 261-282
4 Job Characteristics, Day-to-Day Experiences, and Military Career Adaptation: Moderating Role by Person-Job-Fit Odo, Victor O.

30 2 p. 367-383
5 Neuropsychological Assessment of a Continuous Spikes and Waves During Sleep (CSWS) Patient: a Case Study/Description in Childhood Trivilin, Tatiane

30 2 p. 242-260
6 Neuropsychological profiles between older adults with and without neurocognitive disorders García, M. J.

30 2 p. 283-293
7 Pandemic Awareness Scale (PAS): Evidence of Validity and Reliability in a Turkish Sample During the COVID-19 Pandemic Arpaci, Ibrahim

30 2 p. 316-327
8 Positive Parenting of Mothers with Depression and Children’s Behaviors: A Systematic Review Silva-Rodrigues, Ana Paula Casagrande

30 2 p. 400-423
9 Self-reported Dermatological Manifestations, Perceived Stress, and Body Image of Young Adults During the Greek Lockdown Caused by the COVID-19 Outbreak Aperi, Sofia

30 2 p. 328-344
10 Social Interest and Social Well-being Across Adolescence, Young Adulthood, and Middle Adulthood Stages in the Indian Context Tiwari, Dharmendra Nath

30 2 p. 294-315
11 The Use of Biofeedback on Students: a Systematic Review Rodrigues, Roberta Neves Gago

30 2 p. 345-366
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland