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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Association Between School Bullying, Suicidal Ideation, and Eating Disorders Among School-Aged Children from Antioquia, Colombia Quintero-Jurado, Jessica

30 1 p. 58-72
2 Emotion Regulation, Stress, and Well-Being in Academic Education: Analyzing the Effect of Mindfulness-Based Intervention Santos Alves Peixoto, Liana

30 1 p. 33-57
3 Expanding the International Presence Brandelli Costa, Angelo

30 1 p. 1-2
4 Measuring Political Ideology: Validity Evidence for a Two-Factor Model Alves, Pedro Cardoso

30 1 p. 129-145
5 Negative Events and Biochemical Markers: Test for the Moderating Effect of Humor Zambonato, Adriane

30 1 p. 172-185
6 Parameters of Attention at Work (PAW36)—Construction of a Questionnaire Münscher, Johann-Christoph

30 1 p. 146-171
7 Predictive Variables of Young People’s Willingness to Help People at Risk of Suicide Bezerra, Viviane Alves dos Santos

30 1 p. 186-205
8 Promotion of Self-regulation in Preschool Children: Effects and Perceptions of Teachers Zauza, Grace

30 1 p. 73-96
9 Psychometric Evaluation of the Brief 2-Way Social Support Scale Among Malaysian Older Adults Khodabakhsh, Sonia

30 1 p. 97-110
10 Sociodemographic and Psychological Predictors of Intention to Receive a COVID-19 Vaccine in Elderly Peruvians Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás

30 1 p. 206-223
11 Spanish Version of the Revised Mental Health Inventory-5 (R-MHI-5): New Psychometric Evidence from the Classical Test Theory (CTT) and the Item Response Theory Perspective (IRT) Vilca, Lindsey W.

30 1 p. 111-128
12 Suicidal Behaviors in a Nationally Representative Sample of School-Going Adolescents Aged 12–17 Years in Eswatini Quarshie, Emmanuel Nii-Boye

30 1 p. 3-32
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland