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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Assessment of Dysfunctional Grief due to Death from COVID-19 in Peru: Adaptation and Validation of a Spanish Version of the Pandemic Grief Scale Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás

29 4 p. 595-616
2 Attitudinal Scale of Vengeance: Translation and Psychometric Evaluation in Pakistan Khalid, Shazia

29 4 p. 617-636
3 Character Strength at Its Worst and Best: Mediating Effect of Coping Strategies Kamushadze, Tamar

29 4 p. 655-669
4 Construction and Validity Evidence of the Autistic Person's Socialization Beliefs Scale (APSBS) Dias, Camila Cristina Vasconcelos

29 4 p. 581-594
5 Correction to: Association Between School Bullying, Suicidal Ideation, and Eating Disorders Among School-Aged Children from Antioquia, Colombia Jurado, Jessica Quintero

29 4 p. 766
6 Faculty and Students’ Perceptions of Excellent Teaching: A Study in Ecuador Using the Teacher Behavior Checklist Hermosa-Bosano, Carlos

29 4 p. 752-765
7 Gratitude and Quality of Life Among Adolescents: the Mediating Role of Mindfulness Anand, Pallavi

29 4 p. 706-718
8 Parenthood of Male Inmates and Socioemotional Development of their Children de Almeida-Segundo, Damião Soares

29 4 p. 719-733
9 Priming Effects on Prosocial Behavior of Children: a Systematic Review de Medeiros, Mayara Wenice Alves

29 4 p. 637-654
10 Psychological Resilience Moderates the Effect of Perceived Stress on Late-Life Depression in Community-Dwelling Older Adults da Silva-Sauer, Leandro

29 4 p. 670-683
11 Quality of Life and Body Image Perception in Adolescents: the Contextual Aspects of This Relationship Using Network Analyses de Oliveira Pinheiro, Bruno

29 4 p. 734-751
12 Theoretical Approaches to “Life Project” in Psychology and Related Fields Coscioni, Vinicius

29 4 p. 684-705
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland