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                             9 results found
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1 Aggressiveness, Impulsiveness, and the Use of Alcohol and Drugs: Understanding Adolescence in Different Contexts Willhelm, Alice Rodrigues

28 3 p. 381-398
2 Analysis of the Effects of an Episodic Memory Training Program on Institutionalized Elderly de Souza Pereira, Bruna Luísa

28 3 p. 457-475
3 Contributions of Social Domain Theory for the Study of Exclusion: a Systematic Literature Review de Souza, Jackeline Maria

28 3 p. 437-456
4 Effeminacy and anti-effeminacy: interactions with internalized homophobia, outness, and masculinity Ramos, Mozer de M.

28 3 p. 337-352
5 Family Support and Teenage Pregnancy Bernardo, Luis Antonio Silva

28 3 p. 321-336
6 Insular Relationships: Personal Networks of Families of Cerebral Palsy and Typical Children Pires, Samia Marcia Araujo Monteiro

28 3 p. 353-367
7 Long Dispositional Flow Scale (DFS-2) General: Adaptation to and Validation for Brazilian Portuguese de Souza Costa Correia, Samantha Amélia

28 3 p. 419-436
8 Transversal and Professional Skills Self-Efficacy Scale: Cultural Adaptation and Evidence of Validity Audibert, Alyane

28 3 p. 368-380
9 Treatment Adherence of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: an Integrative Literature Review Feijão, Georgia Maria Melo

28 3 p. 399-418
                             9 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands