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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Applying the Regression Tree Method to Predict Students’ Science Achievement Gomes, Cristiano Mauro Assis

28 1 p. 99-117
2 Associations Between Bullying and Depression Among Students in School Transition da Silva, Jorge Luiz

28 1 p. 72-84
3 Brazilian Jeitinho and Moral Identity: Impact on Ethical Behaviour at Work Resende, Marília Mesquita

28 1 p. 148-164
4 Computer Maze–Solving Task: Preliminary Psychometric Evidence in Young Adult and Older Adult Sample Rossini, Joaquim Carlos

28 1 p. 61-71
5 Functional Analytic Psychotherapy for an Adolescent with Antisocial Behavioral Pattern Costa, Analu Ianik

28 1 p. 1-15
6 Possible Connections Between Intervention Research (IR-Brazil) and Critical Participatory Action Research (CPAR-USA) Miranda, Luciana Lobo

28 1 p. 133-147
7 Psychometric Properties of the Escala de Avaliação da Impulsividade (EsAvI) by the Gradual Response Model de Francisco Carvalho, Lucas

28 1 p. 31-42
8 Psychosocial Factors Related to Post-liver Transplantation Alcohol Abstinence Rocha, Heidmilene Gonçalves

28 1 p. 43-60
9 Self-compassion and Symptoms of Stress, Anxiety, and Depression de Souza, Luciana Karine

28 1 p. 85-98
10 Teachers’ conceptions about the sexuality of students with disabilities: effects of teacher training Maia, Ana Cláudia Bortolozzi

28 1 p. 118-132
11 The Lived Space of Ana: a Clinical Case Study from the Perspective of Phenomenological Psychopathology Souza, Camila

28 1 p. 16-30
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland