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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Cesàro-like operators between the Bloch space and Bergman spaces Guo, Yuting

15 1 artikel
2 Estimates for bilinear generalized fractional integral operator and its commutator on generalized Morrey spaces over RD-spaces Lu, Guanghui

15 1 artikel
3 Fixed Point Theorem: variants, affine context and some consequences de Araujo, Anderson L. A.

15 1 artikel
4 Genuine Bernstein–Durrmeyer type operators preserving 1 and xj Abel, Ulrich

15 1 artikel
5 On the smoothness of normed spaces Banaś, Józef

15 1 artikel
6 Positive periodic solutions for certain kinds of delayed q-difference equations with biological background Kostić, Marko

15 1 artikel
7 Projective and injective tensor products of Banach L0-modules Pasqualetto, Enrico

15 1 artikel
8 Singular value and norm inequalities involving the numerical radii of matrices Al-Natoor, Ahmad

15 1 artikel
9 Some properties of the extremal function for the Fuglede p-modulus Ciska-Niedziałomska, Małgorzata

15 1 artikel
10 The pseudo-regularity of the range of orthogonal projections in Krein spaces Zhang, Lulu

15 1 artikel
11 Variations of the James and Schäffer constants in Banach spaces Martini, Horst

15 1 artikel
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland