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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A non-trivial solution for a p-Schrödinger–Kirchhoff-type integro-differential system by non-smooth techniques Mayorga-Zambrano, Juan

14 4 artikel
2 A note on exceptional sets in Erdös–Rényi limit theorem Liu, Chuntai

14 4 artikel
3 Beurling quotient subspaces for covariant representations of product systems Rohilla, Azad

14 4 artikel
4 Catalan generating functions for bounded operators Miana, Pedro J.

14 4 artikel
5 2-Local isometries on vector-valued differentiable functions Li, Lei

14 4 artikel
6 Noncommutative Pick–Julia theorems for generalized derivations in Q, Q∗ and Schatten–von Neumann ideals of compact operators Jocić, Danko R.

14 4 artikel
7 On the positively limited p-Schur property in Banach lattices Ardakani, Halimeh

14 4 artikel
8 On the Schauder fixed point property II Salame, Khadime

14 4 artikel
9 Preduals of variable Morrey–Campanato spaces and boundedness of operators Zhuo, Ciqiang

14 4 artikel
10 Refinements of the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality in pre-Hilbert C∗-modules and their applications Zamani, Ali

14 4 artikel
11 Rough Hausdorff operators on Lebesgue spaces with variable exponent Li, Ziwei

14 4 artikel
12 Weighted holomorphic mappings attaining their norms Jiménez-Vargas, A.

14 4 artikel
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland