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                             19 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A modified convergence analysis for steepest descent scheme for solving nonlinear operator equation Rajan, M. P.

14 3 artikel
2 A spectral quasinilpotent operator and the invariant subspace problem for non-Archimedean Banach spaces El Asri, Azzedine

14 3 artikel
3 Boundedness of one class of integral operators from Lp to Lq for 1 Oinarov, Ryskul

14 3 artikel
4 Determinantal polynomials of some weighted shift matrices with palindromic weights Chakraborty, Bikshan

14 3 artikel
5 Discrete Gabor frames and K-discrete Gabor frames Tian, Yu

14 3 artikel
6 Fourth order tensors and covariance tensors Bai, Jinxuan

14 3 artikel
7 Multivalued Bourgin’s theorem and applications El-Louh, M.’hamed

14 3 artikel
8 Nuclear bilinear operators on X×c0Y Popa, Dumitru

14 3 artikel
9 Numerical radius inequalities of sectorial matrices Bhunia, Pintu

14 3 artikel
10 On Flett potentials associated with the Laplace–Bessel differential operator Eryiğit, Melih

14 3 artikel
11 On weighted boundedness and compactness of commutators of Marcinkiewicz integral associated with Schrödinger operators Zhang, Juan

14 3 artikel
12 Properties of Newton polynomials and Toeplitz operators on Newton spaces Ko, Eungil

14 3 artikel
13 The consistency and the general common solution to some quaternion matrix equations Xu, Xi-Le

14 3 artikel
14 The convergence of Galerkin–Petrov methods for Dirichlet projections He, Li

14 3 artikel
15 The Lp–Lq boundedness and compactness of Fock projections Hou, Shengzhao

14 3 artikel
16 Toeplitz operators between Bergman–Orlicz spaces Dong, Min

14 3 artikel
17 Toeplitz operators on weighted Bergman spaces on finitely connected domains Göğüş, Nihat Gökhan

14 3 artikel
18 Toms–Winter conjecture for C*-modules Yousefi, Azam

14 3 artikel
19 Uncertainty inequalities for certain connected Lie groups Bansal, Piyush

14 3 artikel
                             19 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland