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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Application of Wox2a in transformation of recalcitrant maize genotypes Liu, Qiangbo

4 4 p. 386-388
2 Co-expression of GR79 EPSPS and GAT generates high glyphosate-resistant alfalfa with low glyphosate residues Meng, Yingying

4 4 p. 352-358
3 Constitutive basis of root system architecture: uncovering a promising trait for breeding nutrient- and drought-resilient crops Liu, Zhigang

4 4 p. 315-331
4 In maize, co-expression of GAT and GR79-EPSPS provides high glyphosate resistance, along with low glyphosate residues Li, Shengyan

4 4 p. 277-290
5 Mining salt stress-related genes in Spartina alterniflora via analyzing co-evolution signal across 365 plant species using phylogenetic profiling Gao, Shang

4 4 p. 291-302
6 Predicting rice diseases using advanced technologies at different scales: present status and future perspectives Li, Ruyue

4 4 p. 359-371
7 Regulation of a vacuolar proton-pumping P-ATPase MdPH5 by MdMYB73 and its role in malate accumulation and vacuolar acidification Huang, Xiao-Yu

4 4 p. 303-314
8 Regulation of regeneration in Arabidopsis thaliana Islam, Md Khairul

4 4 p. 332-351
9 Regulation of seed traits in soybean Hu, Yang

4 4 p. 372-385
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland