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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 K-nanomechanics: advancements and applications of atomistic simulations in the Korean solid mechanics community Ryu, Seunghwa

5 2-3 p. 53-59
2 Mobility to space: space launch vehicle Jo, Hyeon Seon

5 2-3 p. 45-52
3 Molecular dynamics simulation-based understanding of the structure and property of amyloid proteins at multiple length scales Eom, Kilho

5 2-3 p. 27-36
4 Piezoelectric energy-harvesting devices for wearable self-powering system Yeo, Hong Goo

5 2-3 p. 37-43
5 Real-time object detection and segmentation technology: an analysis of the YOLO algorithm Kang, Chang Ho

5 2-3 p. 69-76
6 Recent studies on the multiscale modeling and simulation of polymer nanocomposites Lee, Jihun

5 2-3 p. 85-91
7 Review of diagnosis technology for future mobility vehicle Ryu, Yong-Hyun

5 2-3 p. 77-84
8 Wheelchair mountable robot arm (WMRA) technologies as the market destructive innovation Lim, Dong-Won

5 2-3 p. 61-67
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland