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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Correlation between lower lumbar multifidus muscles fatty atrophy and corresponding level degenerative diseases in patients with low back pain using MRI Cui, Jiufa

4 1 p. 63-70
2 Correlation between white matter microstructure changes and cognitive function in type 2 diabetes assessed using diffusion tensor imaging Su, Yu

4 1 p. 9-20
3 Effect of b values and size of region of interest on apparent diffusion coefficient measurement and its reproducibility in liver diffusion-weighted MRI Huang, Yucun

4 1 p. 56-62
4 High signal liver focal lesions on DWI: the differential diagnostic value of morphological characteristics and ADC value Zhang, Hongtao

4 1 p. 48-55
5 Multiparametric prostate MRI and structured reporting: benefits and challenges in the PI-RADS era Mir-Bashiri, Sanas

4 1 p. 21-40
6 Radiology department preventive and control measures and work plan during COVID-19 epidemic-experience from Wuhan Long, Xi

4 1 p. 1-8
7 The evolution of chest CT findings from admission to follow-up in 30 moderate to severe adult patients with COVID-19 pneumonia Zhou, Yunfeng

4 1 p. 71-77
8 Therapeutic strategies for pyogenic liver abscess patients: a protocol proposed from the perspective of interventional radiologists Xu, Sheng

4 1 p. 41-47
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland