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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Approach to intestinal malrotation in children in the laparoscopic era Chacon, Carmen Sofia

1 4 p. 137-142
2 Diagnostic cyst-endoscopy in management of complex pelvic cyst as an unusual presentation of OHVIRA/HWW syndrome Olczak, Bartlomiej

1 4 p. 181-183
3 European multicenter survey on approaches in pediatric laparoscopic appendectomy Mehmood, Tariq

1 4 p. 175-179
4 Laparoscopic-assisted management of paediatric intra-abdominal lymphatic malformations Thakkar, H.

1 4 p. 161-165
5 Laparoscopic inguinal exploration for impalpable undescended testis: can we avoid the open inguinal exploration altogether? Pathak, Manish

1 4 p. 167-170
6 Percutaneous endoscopic primary gastrostomy button (PEG-B) is safe and significantly reduces the need for general anaesthetic tube changes in children when compared to the percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube (PEG-T): a prospective study Cave, Joshua J.

1 4 p. 143-148
7 Staged laparoscopic traction orchidopexy for impalpable testes: a preliminary study Melling, Charlotte Victoria

1 4 p. 149-153
8 Symptomatic ureteral stump: a safe, alternate strategy to excision Kumar, Neetu

1 4 p. 171-173
9 The role of low-fidelity simulation in paediatric endoscopic training: Build your own Thompson, D. S.

1 4 p. 155-159
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland