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                             9 results found
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1 Adapting combined tiling to stencil optimizations on sunway processor Sun, Biao

5 3 p. 322-333
2 ArkGPU: enabling applications’ high-goodput co-location execution on multitasking GPUs Lou, Jie

5 3 p. 304-321
3 Carbon Emissions Reduction of Neural Network by Discrete Rank Pruning Pei, Songwen

5 3 p. 334-346
4 ddRingAllreduce: a high-precision RingAllreduce algorithm Lei, Xiaojun

5 3 p. 245-257
5 FASS-pruner: customizing a fine-grained CNN accelerator-aware pruning framework via intra-filter splitting and inter-filter shuffling Wei, Xiaohui

5 3 p. 292-303
6 FSGraph: fast and scalable implementation of graph traversal on GPUs Zhang, Yuan

5 3 p. 277-291
7 MT-office: parallel password recovery program for office on domestic heterogeneous multi-core processor Luo, Yongtao

5 3 p. 231-244
8 Processor power forecasting through model sample analysis and clustering Zhou, Kexing

5 3 p. 258-276
9 SI on parallel system and algorithm optimization Yuan, Liang

5 3 p. 229-230
                             9 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands