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                             8 results found
no title author magazine year volume issue page(s) type
1 A survey on AI for storage Liu, Yu

4 3 p. 233-264
2 A tail-tolerant cloud storage scheduling based on precise periodicity detection Han, Yuxiao

4 3 p. 321-338
3 Cluster-based content caching driven by popularity prediction Jia, Bosen

4 3 p. 357-366
4 Cognitive SSD+: a deep learning engine for energy-efficient unstructured data retrieval Liang, Shengwen

4 3 p. 302-320
5 EdgeWare: toward extensible and flexible middleware for connected vehicle services Lu, Sidi

4 3 p. 339-356
6 Editorial for the special issue on intelligent storage and edge computing Shu, Jiwu

4 3 p. 231-232
7 Read latency variation aware performance optimization on high-density NAND flash based storage systems Shi, Liang

4 3 p. 265-280
8 Stop unnecessary refreshing: extending 3D NAND flash lifetime with ORBER Ye, Min

4 3 p. 281-301
                             8 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands