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                             21 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Age-related gait adaptations of ground reaction forces Baptista, Rafael Reimann

39 4 p. 915-924
2 Analysis of electric field strengths and focality for healthy and neurologically impaired subjects upon multiple tDCS stimulation protocols Pancholi, Utkarsh

39 4 p. 991-1006
3 Analysis of the effect of handrail and foot position on STS in healthy young adults with knee support Yang, Shuo

39 4 p. 853-862
4 BG-58S macrospheres produced using BG powder synthesized by alkali-mediated sol–gel process and different phosphorus precursor Grancianinov, Karen

39 4 p. 877-894
5 Breast cancer diagnosis using modified Xception and stacked generalization ensemble classifier Deb, Sagar Deep

39 4 p. 937-947
6 Correction to: Age‑related gait adaptations of ground reaction forces Baptista, Rafael Reimann

39 4 p. 1035
7 Correction to: Deep convolutional spiking neural network fostered automatic detection and classification of breast cancer from mammography images Prakash, T. Senthil

39 4 p. 1033
8 3D anatomical modelling and analysis of the spine Paccini, Martina

39 4 p. 789-803
9 Deep convolutional spiking neural network fostered automatic detection and classification of breast cancer from mammography images Senthil Prakash, T.

39 4 p. 833-841
10 Design and implementation of a medical platform for real-time and remote ECG monitoring using DigiMesh wireless sensor network technology Sahraoui, Halima

39 4 p. 959-976
11 Generation of Induced Wavefront Focalization in the Human Temporal Bone Using a Standard Focused Ultrasound Single-Element Transducer Andrade, Patrícia C.

39 4 p. 895-904
12 Inter-dataset performance analysis of generative adversarial networks for optic disc segmentation using digital fundus images Sharma, Ambika

39 4 p. 863-875
13 Machine learning for glaucoma detection using fundus images Elmoufidi, Abdelali

39 4 p. 819-831
14 Molecular imaging analysis in cancer using deep learning: a review Prusty, Sheetal

39 4 p. 1015-1032
15 New method of using a convolutional neural network for 2D intraprostatic tumor segmentation from PET images Rainio, Oona

39 4 p. 905-913
16 Predicting the tasks of disabled persons using deep learning-based motor imagery model in BCI applications Nayak, Pinki

39 4 p. 977-989
17 SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) detection application via machine learning: comparative analysis and performance evaluation Hameed, Jehangir

39 4 p. 925-935
18 Segmentation-based Registration of Pre and Intra-operative Brain Ultrasound Images Using Particle Swarm Optimization Chel, Haradhan

39 4 p. 805-818
19 Semi-automated methodology for determination of contrast agent relaxivity using MRI Reyes Molina, Israel

39 4 p. 843-851
20 Towards innovative electrodiagnosis tests to investigate neuromuscular excitability dysfunction in critically ill patients: an agreement study Silva, Paulo Eugênio

39 4 p. 949-958
21 Tremor stabilization improvement using anti-tremor band: a machine learning–based technique Biswas, Asmita

39 4 p. 1007-1014
                             21 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland