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                             21 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A comprehensive study of optic disc detection in artefact retinal images using a deep regression neural network for a fused distance-intensity map Sharma, Ambika

39 3 p. 639-653
2 A miniaturized flexible implantable antenna with metamaterial resonators for biomedical applications Saidi, Amaria

39 3 p. 693-704
3 Automatic COVID-19 detection using machine learning and voice recording Benmalek, Elmehdi

39 3 p. 597-612
4 Automatic detection of spina bifida occulta with deep learning methods from plain pelvic radiographs Duran, Semra

39 3 p. 655-661
5 Automatic grading of non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy Suman, Supriya

39 3 p. 677-692
6 Bagged based ensemble model to predict thyroid disorder using linear discriminant analysis with SMOTE Kour, Haneet

39 3 p. 733-746
7 Bio-inspired voting ensemble weighted extreme learning machine classifier for the detection of Parkinson’s disease Das, Priya

39 3 p. 493-507
8 Biomechanical analysis of railway workers during loaded walking and keyman hammering Pranav, T.

39 3 p. 587-595
9 Classification of suspected objects and severity assessment of COVID-19 from chest X-ray images using deep transfer learning Verma, Karan

39 3 p. 705-718
10 Control engineering investigation of the effects of proliferative diabetic retinopathy on the crystalline lens and ciliary muscle dynamic behavior Oliveira, Rebeca Hannah de M.

39 3 p. 663-676
11 Development of novel methodology for gene identification-based classification of leukaemia disorder Bell, J. Briso Becky

39 3 p. 573-586
12 Diagnostic support of parasitic infections with an AI-powered microscope Caetano, André

39 3 p. 561-572
13 Emotion Recognition from Multimodal Data: a machine learning approach combining classical and hybrid deep architectures de Santana, Maíra Araújo

39 3 p. 613-638
14 High-speed grinding of the bone: determination of HSC-range by infrared thermography Shakouri, Ehsan

39 3 p. 719-732
15 Laboratory evaluation of forehead infrared radiation thermometers (FIRTs) used for core body temperature measurements Quelhas, Klaus N.

39 3 p. 467-478
16 Music recommendation systems to support music therapy in patients with dementia: an exploratory study Nunes, Ingrid Bruno

39 3 p. 777-787
17 Non-invasive glucose measurement using 950 nm reflective short wave NIR technique Naresh, M

39 3 p. 747-757
18 Rapid protocols to support COVID-19 clinical diagnosis based on hematological parameters Gomes, Juliana Carneiro

39 3 p. 509-539
19 Retinal vasculature extraction and analysis for diabetic retinopathy recognition Elaouaber, Zineb Aziza

39 3 p. 479-491
20 Signals, sensors and methods for controlling active upper limb orthotic devices: a comprehensive review dos Santos, Leonardo Teixeira

39 3 p. 759-775
21 Type2 Diabetes Classification from Short Photoplethysmogram Signal Using Multiple Domain Features and Machine Learning Techniques Mishra, Bhanupriya

39 3 p. 541-560
                             21 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland