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                             10 results found
no title author magazine year volume issue page(s) type
1 A review on ECG filtering techniques for rhythm analysis Malghan, Pavan G.

36 2 p. 171-186
2 Compositions of calcium aluminate cement containing gold and silver nanoparticles for biomaterial applications Santos, A. F. L.

36 2 p. 139-146
3 Development of an anatomic intravaginal device and comparison with a conventional vaginal cone regarding their effectiveness in pelvic floor muscle perception and strength: randomized clinical test Nave Castro, Nilza Maria

36 2 p. 121-128
4 Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of the sensorimotorcortex in spinal cord injury patient after intensive rehabilitation Lima, Fernanda Pupio Silva

36 2 p. 129-137
5 Fundus image quality enhancement for blood vessel detection via a neural network using CLAHE and Wiener filter dos Santos, Jucelino Cardoso Marciano

36 2 p. 107-119
6 Medical device usability: literature review, current status, and challenges Roma, Marylene Sousa Guimarães

36 2 p. 163-170
7 Modeling and simulation of deep brain stimulation electrodes with various active contacts Sathi, Khaleda Akhter

36 2 p. 147-161
8 Processing and characterization of MAGIC-f gel with ultraviolet/visible light spectrophotometry Filipov, Danielle

36 2 p. 99-105
9 Sabiá: an authentication, authorization, and user data delivery architecture based on user consent for health information systems in Brazil de Paiva Marques Carvalho, Túlio

36 2 p. 197-202
10 The effect of smart mirror environment on proprioception factors of children with Down syndrome Valencia-Jimenez, Nicolas

36 2 p. 187-195
                             10 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands