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                             10 results found
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1 An unsupervised approach to improve contrast and segmentation of blood vessels in retinal images using CLAHE, 2D Gabor wavelet, and morphological operations da Rocha, Douglas Abreu

36 1 p. 67-75
2 Applicable features of electroencephalogram for ADHD diagnosis Khaleghi, Ali

36 1 p. 1-11
3 Comparison between OSEM and FBP reconstruction algorithms for the qualitative and quantitative interpretation of brain DAT-SPECT using an anthropomorphic striatal phantom: implications for the practice Trevisan, Ana Carolina

36 1 p. 77-88
4 Comparison of the electromyographic activity of the abdominal and rectus femoris muscles during traditional crunch and Rock Gym® device Gregorio, Fabio Clemente

36 1 p. 39-48
5 Conformational detection of heat shock protein through bio-interactions with microstructures Amritsar, Jeetender

36 1 p. 89-98
6 Effects of infrared radiation and exercise on bone mass: implications for the prevention and management of osteoporosis Paolillo, Fernanda Rossi

36 1 p. 49-57
7 Electrocardiogram signal denoising by a new noise variation estimate Vargas, Regis Nunes

36 1 p. 13-20
8 Evaluation of medication errors in electronic medical prescriptions and proposal for correction Riva, Selma Bermejo Menechelli

36 1 p. 59-65
9 Is there an effect of stair negotiation on subsequent gait kinetics in elderly women? Baptista, Rafael Reimann

36 1 p. 31-37
10 Multimodal interface for alternative communication of people with motor disabilities Rocha, Lucas A. A.

36 1 p. 21-29
                             10 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands