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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Development of an efficient in vitro regeneration system in broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica), a highly recommended vegetable crop Thakur, Palvi

28 3 p. 459-465
2 Drought stress tolerance in rice: advances in physiology and genetics research Sandeep, T. S. R. S.

28 3 p. 349-361
3 Evaluation of wheat genotypes for heat stress tolerance and identification of early stress indicators Chileshe, Prisca

28 3 p. 405-417
4 Flowering enhancement in cassava through gamma irradiation: a comparative study of gamma induced mutants vis-a-vis collected clones of cassava Koundinya, A. V. V.

28 3 p. 429-447
5 Genotypic variability of drought-tolerance responses in underutilized indigenous finger millet genotypes Panda, Debabrata

28 3 p. 362-377
6 Heterologous expression of SbAP37-transcription factor in Sesamum indicum L. alleviates salt stress and improves antioxidant enzyme activities Shetty, Arjun N.

28 3 p. 418-428
7 Mechanism unravelling the effect of 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) through molecular docking approach and postharvest analysis in papaya Srividhya, S.

28 3 p. 448-458
8 Moisture stress induced anatomical, morpho-physiological and molecular changes in chickpea genotypes Johal, Norah

28 3 p. 378-387
9 Morphological and biochemical aspects of propagated rose by stenting technique as affected by rooting substrate Sarkari, Rahime

28 3 p. 466-475
10 Physio-biochemical characterizations in the drought induced rice (Oryza sativa L.): pathway to understand the drought tolerance mechanisms Marimuthu, Ramachandran

28 3 p. 388-404
11 Variation of volatile compounds in celery through different vegetative stages Naghneh, Narjes Seifipour

28 3 p. 476-480
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland