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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Analysis of Overturning Stability of Small off-Road Vehicle Lee, Donggun

48 3 p. 309-318
2 Application of Ohmic Heating for Green Coffee Bean Fermentation: Effect of Voltage Gradient on the Heating Performance, Energy, EC, pH, and Fermentation Index Sagita, Diang

48 3 p. 364-373
3 A Review of Energy-Efficient Secured Routing Algorithm for IoT-Enabled Smart Agricultural Systems kumar, C. Senthil

48 3 p. 339-354
4 Detection of Powdery Mildew of Bitter Gourd Based on NIR/Fluorescence Spectra Gao, Jia Yu

48 3 p. 319-328
5 Development of a Low-Cost Plant Growth Chamber for Improved Phenotyping Research Lee, Taek Sung

48 3 p. 355-363
6 Development of Regression Model for Predicting the Maximum Static Friction Force of Tractors with a Front-End Loader Kim, Seung-Jun

48 3 p. 329-338
7 Simulation of an Earth-Air Heat Exchanger in a Commercial Greenhouse to Improve Energy Efficiency Nauta, Alex

48 3 p. 291-308
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland