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1 Application of Solar Chimney for Pest Control in Agricultural Crops Ghanbari, Mina

44 4 p. 269-275
2 Correction to: Analysis of Draft Force Requirement of a Compact Disc Harrow and Model Development for Future Predictions Okyere, Frank Gyan

44 4 p. 207
3 Development and Evaluation of Finger Millet Thresher-Cum-Pearler Powar, R. V.

44 4 p. 194-206
4 Discrete Element Method Analysis of the Impact Forces on a Garlic Bulb by the Roller of a Garlic Harvester Park, Donghyeok

44 4 p. 208-217
5 Far Infrared Drying Characteristics of the Microwave-Steamed Sweet Potato Lee, Dong Il

44 4 p. 187-193
6 Feasibility of Applying Conductive Heat and Convective Heat to the Drying Process of Safe Solar Salt Han, Jae-woong

44 4 p. 236-244
7 Kinematic Analysis for Design of the Transportation Part of a Tractor-Mounted Chinese Cabbage Collector Ali, Mohammod

44 4 p. 226-235
8 Monitoring the Operating Status of an Automatic Harmful Fly Collector for Smart Greenhouses Iqbal, Zafar

44 4 p. 258-268
9 Performance Evaluation of Trenchless Subsurface Drainage Piping Machine Islam, Md Nafiul

44 4 p. 218-225
10 Proper Plant Density for Mechanical Transplanting of Several Leafy Vegetables Under Korean Agricultural Condition Kim, Sung Kyeom

44 4 p. 276-280
11 Simulation Study to Develop Implement Control and Headland Turning Algorithms for Autonomous Tillage Operations Han, Xiongzhe

44 4 p. 245-257
                             11 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands