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1 |
Adaptive partitioning-based discrete unified gas kinetic scheme for flows in all flow regimes
Yang, L. M. |
5 |
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2 |
Adaptive wave-particle decomposition in UGKWP method for high-speed flow simulations
Wei, Yufeng |
5 |
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3 |
A discrete unified gas-kinetic scheme for multi-species rarefied flows
Xin, Ziyang |
5 |
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artikel |
4 |
Boosting the convergence of low-variance DSMC by GSIS
Luo, Liyan |
5 |
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artikel |
5 |
Can lift be generated in a steady inviscid flow?
Liu, Tianshu |
5 |
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artikel |
6 |
Constrained large-eddy simulation of laminar-turbulent transition in compressible channel flows
Chen, Sanmu |
5 |
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7 |
Deep learning for inverse design of low-boom supersonic configurations
Chen, Shusheng |
5 |
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artikel |
8 |
Deep learning method for super-resolution reconstruction of the spatio-temporal flow field
Bao, Kairui |
5 |
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9 |
Effect of thermal fluctuations on homogeneous compressible turbulence
Ma, Qihan |
5 |
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10 |
Effect of vortex generator spanwise height distribution pattern on aerodynamic characteristics of a straight wing
Hao, Lishu |
5 |
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11 |
Effects of non-stationary wind velocity models on buffeting performance of closed-box girder suspension bridges
Zhou, Rui |
5 |
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12 |
Experimental and numerical study on dynamic stall under a large Reynolds number
Wei, Binbin |
5 |
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13 |
Experimental design for a novel co-flow jet airfoil
Jiang, Hao |
5 |
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14 |
Experimental study on transition of dynamic airfoil in pitching oscillation
Wei, Binbin |
5 |
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15 |
Flight simulation from takeoff to yawing of eVTOL airplane with coaxial propellers by fluid-rigid body interaction
Gomi, Ritsuka |
5 |
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16 |
Highly rarefied gas flows in rough channels of finite length
Shi, Zheng |
5 |
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17 |
High-order compact gas-kinetic schemes for three-dimensional flow simulations on tetrahedral mesh
Zhao, Fengxiang |
5 |
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18 |
Hypersonic aerodynamic force balance using temperature compensated semiconductor strain gauges
Qiu, Huacheng |
5 |
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19 |
ISpliter: an intelligent and automatic surface mesh generator using neural networks and splitting lines
Liu, Zengsheng |
5 |
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20 |
Mathematical modeling of the aerodynamic coefficients of a sail blade
Tleubergenova, Akmaral Zh. |
5 |
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21 |
Noise control for high subsonic jet flows by inner wall treatment
Mao, Huyue |
5 |
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22 |
Numerical simulation and optimization on opening angles of aerodynamic braking plates sets for a maglev train
Wang, Xiaofei |
5 |
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23 |
Numerical study on the combustion process in a gas turbine combustor with different reference velocities
Gong, Cheng |
5 |
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24 |
On the drag reduction mechanism of hypersonic turbulent boundary layers subject to heated wall blowing
Liu, Qiang |
5 |
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25 |
Optimization of aero-engine combustion chambers with the assistance of Hierarchical-Kriging surrogate model based on POD downscaling method
Tong, Shuhong |
5 |
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26 |
Predicting wing-pylon-nacelle configuration flutter characteristics using adaptive continuation method
Yu, Qijing |
5 |
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27 |
Reconstruction of skin friction topology in complex separated flows
Liu, Tianshu |
5 |
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28 |
Simulation of a ground-mounted prism in ABL flow using LES: on overview of error metrics and distribution
Xing, Jin |
5 |
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29 |
Static aeroelasticity analysis of a rotor blade using a Gauss-Seidel fluid-structure interaction method
Li, Jiaxing |
5 |
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30 |
The Full Multi-wake Vortex Lattice Method: a detached flow model based on Potential Flow Theory
Pimentel-Garcia, Jesus Carlos |
5 |
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