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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Aesthetic Delight and Beauty: A Comparison of Kant’s Aesthetics and Abhinavagupta’s Theory of Rasa Todariya, Saurabh

5 1 p. 51-62
2 Fear and Devotion in Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava Rasa Theory Buchta, David

5 1 p. 33-49
3 Living Landscapes: Meditation on the Five Elements in Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain Yogas. Christopher Key Chapple. SUNY Press. Ivanhoe, Sara Elizabeth

5 1 p. 117-119
4 Mahasweta Devi: Our Santiniketan. Original Bengali Version (Āmāder Śāntiniketan), 2001. Translated by Radha Chakravarty Sil, Narasingha Prosad

5 1 p. 107-109
5 Reason, Death, and the Animal: The Mahābhārata and the Eruption/Interruption of the Ethical Bhattacharjee, Anirban

5 1 p. 63-81
6 Review of Anway Mukhopadhyay, The Authority of Female Speech in Indian Goddess Traditions: Devi and Womansplaining Nayak, Madhurima

5 1 p. 111-115
7 “The Epistemic Significance of adbhutarasa: Aestheticized Wonder as a Virtue of Inquiry” Widdison, Lisa

5 1 p. 1-16
8 The Phenomenon of Emotions in Indian Philosophical System: Some Reflections Bhatia, Dipika

5 1 p. 17-31
9 The Reliability of Hacker’s Criteria for Determining Śaṅkara’s Authorship Andrijanić, Ivan

5 1 p. 83-105
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland