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1 Bhakti, Rasa, and Organizing Character Experience: Vopadeva, Śrīdhara, and Sanātana on Bhāgavata Purāṇa X.43.17 Edelmann, Jonathan

4 2 p. 223-239
2 Embodied Liberation in Participatory Theory and Buddhist Modernism Vajrayāna Grunwald, Sabine

4 2 p. 159-177
3 John Fahy: Becoming Vaishnava in an Ideal Vedic City Gupta, Akshay

4 2 p. 289-291
4 “Justifying Warfare: Saint Augustine and Sri Aurobindo” Ulrich, Edward T.

4 2 p. 179-197
5 M.C. Ricklefs, Soul Catcher: Java’s Fiery Prince Mangkunagara I 1726-95. Singapore: NUS Press, 2018 Day, Tony

4 2 p. 281-283
6 Purushottama Bilimoria, Jayant Bhalchandra Bapat and Philip Hughes: The Indian Diaspora: Hindus and Sikhs in Australia. Melbourne, Manticore Press, 2019, 450 pp., $49.95 (Paperback) ISBN: 9780648499602 Ahlawat, Dalbir

4 2 p. 285-287
7 Ramesh Chandra Pradhan (RCP). (2020). Metaphysics of Consciousness: The Indian Vedāntic Perspective Nath, Rajakishore

4 2 p. 293-294
8 Snāna in Early India: a Socio-religious Perspective Paul, Sanchita

4 2 p. 261-279
9 Synchronic Strategy: Rules of Engagement for Sanskrit Narrative Literature Balkaran, Raj

4 2 p. 199-221
10 Tirumūlar and the Tamil Yoga Connection Kannikeswaran, Kanniks

4 2 p. 241-260
                             10 results found
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