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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Anatomy of a Ḍākinī: Female Consort Discourse in a Case of Fourteenth-Century Tibetan Buddhist Literature Cape, Kali

3 2 p. 349-371
2 Book Review: What, and Who, Ever Am I? Gonzales, Alicia K.

3 2 p. 423-427
3 Buddhism and the Sciences: Historical Background, Contemporary Developments Payne, Richard K.

3 2 p. 219-243
4 Correction to: Gandhi: Philosopher or Pragmatic Politician? Goyal, Samiksha

3 2 p. 433
5 Correction to: Introduction Lawrence, David Peter

3 2 p. 435
6 Inner Initiation for Transcendence: Siddha Agatthiyar’s Antharaṅga Dīkṣā Viti Anand, Geetha

3 2 p. 407-418
7 Like a Bee to Nectar: Abhinavagupta’s Poetics of Religious Formation Williams, Ben

3 2 p. 373-387
8 Patton, Thomas Nathan. The Buddha’s Wizards: Magic, Protection, and Healing in Burmese Buddhism Deng, Beiyin

3 2 p. 429-431
9 Review of Parveen Jain’s An Introduction to Jain Philosophy Long, Jeffery D.

3 2 p. 419-421
10 Seeing in the Dark: of Epistemic Culture and Abhidharma in the Long Fifth Century C.E. Kachru, Sonam

3 2 p. 291-317
11 The Chinese Buddhist Approach to Science: the Case of Astronomy and Calendars Kotyk, Jeffrey

3 2 p. 273-289
12 The Offering of Mount Meru: Contexts of Buddhist Cosmology in the History of Science in Tibet Sheehy, Michael R.

3 2 p. 319-348
13 The Power of Shared Breath: an Irigarayan Reading of Prāṇa in Vedānta and Sāṃkhya Philosophies Maderey, Ana Laura Funes

3 2 p. 389-406
14 The Sciencization of Compassion Stenzel, Julia Caroline

3 2 p. 245-271
15 Zuckerman & Calobrisi - Introduction to the Special Issue on Buddhism & the History of Science Calobrisi, Thomas

3 2 p. 215-218
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland