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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Changing Face of the Yoga Industry, Its Dharmic Roots and Its Message to Women: an Analysis of Yoga Journal Magazine Covers, 1975–2020 Wittich, Agi

3 1 p. 31-44
2 Correction to: Ever New Flights’ of Creativity: Nāda-yoga and Improvisation Jackson, William J.

3 1 p. 29
3 Dharma of Bhakti, Dharma of Mlecchas: Muslim Engagement with Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇavism as a Living Tradition Coolidge, R. David

3 1 p. 121-130
4 “Ever New Flights” of Creativity: Improvisation in South Indian Music Jackson, William J.

3 1 p. 17-28
5 Exchange and Transaction as a Form of Life and Meaning in the Logic of Tantric Concepts Ruff, Jeffrey C.

3 1 p. 131-154
6 Gandhi: Philosopher or Pragmatic Politician? Goyal, Samiksha

3 1 p. 197-206
7 Gandhi: the Mixture Was the Essence Kolge, Nishikant

3 1 p. 207-214
8 Introduction to the Special Issue on Yoga Studies Dunn, Laura M.

3 1 p. 1-2
9 Parveen Jain: An Introduction to Jain Philosophy Miller, Christopher Patrick

3 1 p. 193-196
10 Pussy Riot and Chögyam Trungpa: Reinventing Crazy Holiness for Post-Modernity Cattoi, Thomas

3 1 p. 59-70
11 Sanskrit Pathways for Mobilizing Knowledge of Premodern Yoga to Studio-Based Practitioners Sathaye, Adheesh

3 1 p. 71-91
12 Soft Power and Biopower: Narendra Modi’s “Double Discourse” Concerning Yoga for Climate Change and Self-Care Miller, Christopher Patrick

3 1 p. 93-106
13 The Academic Study of Yoga in India Chapple, Christopher Key

3 1 p. 107-120
14 The Agonistic Poetics of Dāsya-bhāva: the Soteriological Confrontation Between Deity and Devotee Barua, Ankur

3 1 p. 155-174
15 The Metaphysical Logic of the Siddhis, Mystic Powers, in Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtra Bryant, Edwin F.

3 1 p. 3-15
16 The X+Y+Zen of “Temple Yoga” in Japan: Heretically-Sealed Cultural Hybridity McCartney, Patrick

3 1 p. 45-58
17 Vajranŕtyam: a Phenomenological Look at the Cham or Lama Dance as a Meditative Experience Khanna, Dipankar

3 1 p. 175-191
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland