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                             21 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Asymptotically efficient estimation for diffusion processes with nonsynchronous observations Ogihara, Teppei

6 1 p. 505-550
2 Asymptotic inference for stochastic differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motion Nakajima, Shohei

6 1 p. 431-455
3 Asymptotic justification of maximum likelihood estimation for the proportional excess hazard model in analysis of cancer registry data Komukai, Sho

6 1 p. 337-359
4 Diagnostic test for misspecification of a random-effect distribution using the gradient function Sakaguchi, Hiroki

6 1 p. 45-55
5 Dynamic spatio-temporal zero-inflated Poisson models for predicting capelin distribution in the Barents Sea Sugasawa, Shonosuke

6 1 p. 1-20
6 Efficient parameter estimation for parabolic SPDEs based on a log-linear model for realized volatilities Bibinger, Markus

6 1 p. 407-429
7 Empirical likelihood inference for monotone index model Otsu, Taisuke

6 1 p. 103-114
8 Estimation and classification using progressive type-II censored samples from two exponential populations with a common location Kumar, Pushkal

6 1 p. 243-278
9 Exact variation and drift parameter estimation for the nonlinear fractional stochastic heat equation Gamain, Julie

6 1 p. 381-406
10 Fast and asymptotically efficient estimation in the Hawkes processes Brouste, Alexandre

6 1 p. 361-379
11 Forecasting the housing vacancy rate in Japan using dynamic spatiotemporal effects models Muto, Sachio

6 1 p. 21-44
12 General tests of conditional independence based on empirical processes indexed by functions Bouzebda, Salim

6 1 p. 115-177
13 Geographically Weighted Comedian method for spatial outlier detection Shukla, Sweta

6 1 p. 279-299
14 Higher autocumulant functions for ADCINAR(1) process and bias-correction of some estimators Zeng, Xiaoqiang

6 1 p. 179-211
15 Nonparametric Bayesian volatility learning under microstructure noise Gugushvili, Shota

6 1 p. 551-571
16 On the estimation of the jump activity index in the case of random observation times Theopold, Adrian

6 1 p. 457-503
17 Optimal stable Ornstein–Uhlenbeck regression Masuda, Hiroki

6 1 p. 573-605
18 Particle rolling MCMC with double-block sampling Awaya, Naoki

6 1 p. 305-335
19 Special feature: statistics for stochastic processes Uchida, Masayuki

6 1 p. 301-303
20 The inverted exponentiated Chen distribution with application to cancer data Azimi, Reza

6 1 p. 213-241
21 Theory of new second-order expansions for the moments of 100ρ% accelerated sequential stopping times in normal mean estimation problems when 0<ρ<1 is arbitrary Mukhopadhyay, Nitis

6 1 p. 57-101
                             21 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland