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                             23 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A common public health-oriented policy framework for cannabis, alcohol and tobacco in Canada? Kirst, Maritt

8 p. e474-e476
2 Active Canada 20/20: A physical activity plan for Canada Spence, John C.

8 p. e470-e473
3 An investigation of the healthy migrant hypothesis: Pre-emigration characteristics of those in the British 1946 birth cohort study Fuller-Thomson, Esme

8 p. e502-e508
4 Comprendre la décision vaccinale des parents pour mieux accompagner leurs choix : étude qualitative phénoménologique auprès des parents français Engberink, Agnès Oude

8 p. e527-e532
5 En l’absence de données probantes : étayer toutes les facettes d’une question - In the absence of clear evidence: Substantiate all aspects of an issue Potvin, Louise

8 p. e462-e463
6 Folate status of women in Toronto: Implications of folate fortification and supplementation Shere, Mahvash

8 p. e509-e513
7 Food safety knowledge, attitudes and self-reported practices among Ontario high school students Majowicz, Shannon E.

8 p. e520-e526
8 Investigation of anxiety and depression symptom co-morbidity in a community sample with type 2 diabetes: Associations with indicators of self-care Smith, Kimberley J.

8 p. e496-e501
9 Les comportements sexuels et le harcèlement sexuel en milieu postsecondaire dans l’Ouest canadien Delaquis, Stéfan R.

8 p. e489-e495
10 Low-income working immigrant families in Quebec: Exploring their challenges to well-being Pitt, Rebecca S.

8 p. e539-e545
11 Mandatory labeling requirements and over-the-counter cough and cold medication use in early childhood Degroot, Julie

8 p. e477-e482
12 Parents and Tots Together: Pilot randomized controlled trial of a family-based obesity prevention intervention in Canada Walton, Kathryn

8 p. e555-e562
13 Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire Chasan-Taber, Lisa

8 p. e563
14 Prevalence and risk factors of asthma in First Nations children living on reserves in Canada Senthilselvan, Ambikaipakan

8 p. e483-e488
15 Reasons for non-timely completion of the routine infant immunization schedule by children in rural South West Uganda Atwiine, Barnabas

8 p. e564
16 Smoking, vaping and public health: Time to be creative Sweanor, David T.

8 p. e464-e466
17 Smoking, vaping and public health: Time to be creative Sweanor, David T.

8 p. e464-e466
18 Ten-year trends in overweight/obesity among Ontario middle and high school students and their use in establishing baseline measures for government reduction targets Allison, Kenneth R.

8 p. e514-e519
19 The contribution to mothers’ health by village health team promotion practices: A case study of Kyabugimbi subcounty Bushenyi District Kyomuhangi, Teddy

8 p. e565
20 The health of temporary foreign workers in Canada: A scoping review Salami, Bukola

8 p. e546-e554
21 Understanding young bisexual women’s sexual, reproductive and mental health through syndemic theory Flanders, Corey E.

8 p. e533-e538
22 Une ouverture sur le monde - A window on the world Potvin, Louise

8 p. e460-e461
23 Victimless vapour? Health care organizations should restrict the use of e-cigarettes Bean, Sally T.

8 p. e467-e469
                             23 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland