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1 |
Adaptation and establishment of Habrobracon hebetor Say in the population of stored moths pests of date, Ephestia kuehniella Zeller and Plodia interpunctella Hübner
Latifian, Masoud |
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A novel biocontrol strain Pseudomonas canadensis FRPC18 against box blight (causative agent Calonectria pseudonaviculata)
Samavat, Samaneh |
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3 |
Biocontrol efficacy of native protease-producing bacterial isolates against the olive leaf moth, Palpita unionalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
Kobisi, A. A. |
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4 |
Biocontrol performance and mass production potential of the larval endoparasitoid Campoletis chlorideae Uchida (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) against the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Zhang, Rui |
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5 |
Biocontrol potential of epiphytic bacteria against Xanthomonas citri pathotypes A and A*
Fathi, Zahra |
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6 |
Biocontrol potential of some bacterial and fungal isolates against the terrestrial snail, Monacha obstructa, evaluating their laboratory and field efficiency
Abo-Elwfa, Mohamed M. |
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7 |
Biological control of Aspergillus flavus infection and growth promotion of peanut seedlings by Lactiplantibacillus plantarum and Levilactobacillus brevis
Nguyen, Quoc-Duy |
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8 |
Biological control of Spodoptera frugiperda (Nixon) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in new invaded countries using insect pathogens
Abbas, Mohamed Samir Tawfik |
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9 |
Biological control potential of two Beauveria bassiana isolates against the stink bugs Nezara viridula L. and Piezodorus guildinii Westwood (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in common bean
Ramos, Yordanys |
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10 |
Characterization and bioassay of indigenous isolates of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda nucleopolyhedrovirus in India
Pandi, Ram Kumar |
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11 |
Characterization and pathogenicity of newly recorded Clonostachys rogersoniana against woolly apple aphid (Eriosoma lanigerum Hausmann) from India
Kumar, Dinesh |
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12 |
Comparative evaluation of biological control programs and chemical pesticides for managing insect and mite pests in cucumber greenhouses: a sustainable approach for enhanced pest control and yield
Adly, Dalia |
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13 |
Co-parasitization effect of Anagyrus pseudococci (Girault) and Coccidoxenoides perminutus Girault (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) on the vine mealybug Planococcus ficus (Signoret) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) and their intrinsic interspecific larval competition
Muştu, Murat |
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14 |
Correction: Unveiling the potential of Trichoderma harzianum against Heterodera cajani in pigeon pea: impact on cysts, egg and juveniles abundance
Maurya, Amit Kumar |
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15 |
Diversity of Bt toxins and their utility in pest management
Aswathi, Narayanadas |
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16 |
Ecological aspects of three strains of entomopathogenic nematodes from the department of Lambayeque-Peru
Adrianzén, Jennifher Elizabeth Rodas |
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17 |
Economical factitious diet for mass rearing of greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera: pyralidae), a promising host for entomopathogenic nematodes
Suyal, Parul |
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18 |
Effectiveness study of the dual application of new Indigenous entomopathogenic nematode isolate Heterorhabditis taysearae and entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana against armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda)
Abd El Azim, Amany M. |
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19 |
Effect of individual quick freezing treatment and cold storage on the host egg (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) quality for the production of the parasitoid Anastatus japonicus Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae)
Wu, Yi-Hui |
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20 |
Efficacy of different entomopathogenic nematode isolates, against the peach fruit fly, Bactrocera zonata (Saund.) (Diptera: Tephritidae)
Sallam, Radwa F. |
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21 |
Efficacy of entomopathogenic nematodes in laboratory and field conditions of Cicer arietinum against cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Mengal, Maqbool Ahmed |
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22 |
Efficiency of the fungi isolated from the tomato rhizosphere to control the north root-knot nematode Meloidogyne hapla Chitwood 1949
Nekoval, Svetlana N. |
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23 |
Entomopathogenic potential of indigenous Simplicillium subtropicum (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae) isolates from Tamil Nadu, India, against the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
Mariappan, Krishnaveni |
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24 |
Evaluation of some techniques for drying conidiated rice culture of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. with a bioassay evaluating their eligibility
Bakr, Ehab Mostafa |
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25 |
Exploring the efficacy of a Trichoderma asperellum-based seed treatment for controlling Fusarium equiseti in chickpea
Adnani, Manal |
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26 |
Fall armyworm management in a changing climate: an overview of climate-responsive integrated pest management (IPM) strategies for long-term control
Zanzana, Karimou |
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27 |
Field appraisal of entomopathogenic fungi horizontal transmission device for entomo-vectoring of Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae in bitter gourd field against Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett) (Diptera: Tephritidae)
Gogi, Muhammad Dildar |
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28 |
First report of Telenomus remus Nixon (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) on Spodoptera frugiperda Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Egypt
El-Gepaly, Hosam Mohamed Khalil Hammam |
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29 |
Genetic diversity assessment of Trichoderma spp. isolated from various Egyptian locations using its gene sequencing marker, rep-PCR, and their cellulolytic activity
El-Sobky, Muhammad Alaaeldin |
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30 |
Genomic DNA extraction methods and phylogenetic analysis of Beauveria bassiana from Central Java, Indonesia, and its toxicity against the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Lakshita, Natya |
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31 |
Harmonia axyridis (Boyer de Fonscolombe) (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) as a potential biological control agent of the invasive soft scale, Sphaerolecanium prunastri (Boyer de Fonscolombe) (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) in native wild apricot forests
Zhang, Ping |
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32 |
Harnessing the impact of beneficial microorganisms to control Meloidogyne incognita in tomato cultivation across diverse environments
Swe, Win Lai Lai |
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33 |
Heterorhabditis alii n. sp. (Nematoda: Heterorhabditidae), a novel entomopathogenic nematode from Egypt used against the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Shamseldean, M. S. M. |
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34 |
Host-instar selection, interspecific competition, and reproductive capacity of extant and novel parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) on Egyptian cotton leafworm
Hegazi, Esmat |
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35 |
Impact of Streptomyces on sesame plants under Macrophomina phaseolina infestation
Amin, M. M. |
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36 |
Improving quality of stored Trichogramma evanescens (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) by inducing diapause or quiescence
Mashal, Shaimaa |
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37 |
Influence of fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda egg mass scales and layers on the performance of three species of egg parasitoid Trichogramma with different ovipositor lengths
Navik, Omprakash |
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38 |
Isolation and characterization of halophilic Bacillus thuringiensis from local Egyptian sites and their potential against Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Noran, E. M. |
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39 |
Isolation, identification, biological characteristics, and pathogenicity of an entomogenous fungus against the Egyptian mealybug, Icerya aegyptiaca (J.) (Hemiptera: Monophlebidae)
Wei, Yanhua |
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40 |
Isolation of Pasteuria penetrans, an obligate hyper-parasite, infecting root knot nematode, Meloidogyne spp. from the rhizosphere of pulses in India
Jagadeeswaran, Rajendran |
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41 |
Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay proved the mechanism of biological control against root rot pathogens
Elsharkawy, Mohsen Mohamed |
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42 |
Microbial community composition and their activity against Phytophthora nicotianae at different growth stages of tobacco
Zhang, Meng-yu |
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43 |
Molecular characterization and biocontrol potential of Trichoderma spp. against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi in carnation
Zandyavari, Nazyar |
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44 |
Morphological and molecular characterization of Purpureocillium lilacinum along with its biopesticidal effect against fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) in Southern Taiwan
Riaz, Muhammad |
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45 |
Morpho-molecular characterization of two Syrian soil-sourced isolates of Beauveria (Bals.) Vuill.
Rajab, Lobna |
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46 |
Native bacterial bioagents for management of potato soft rot disease caused by Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum
Almasoudi, Najeeb M. |
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47 |
Nematode egg parasitic fungus, Purpureocillium lilacinum: efficacy of indigenous strains for the management of Meloidogyne incognita in chickpea
Rajendran, Jagadeeswaran |
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48 |
Nematode spatial distribution in the service of biological pest control
Abd-Elgawad, Mahfouz M. M. |
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49 |
New Beauveria bassiana aerial conidia-based bioinsecticide obtained by spray-dried microencapsulation of the entomopathogenic fungi in biopolymers for crop protection
de Jesus Seabra, Matheus G. |
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50 |
New insights on entomopathogenic bacteria isolated from soil of citrus crops to combat the polyphagus aphid pest Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy 1762) (Hemiptera, Aphididae)
Hafsa, Mohamed |
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51 |
New records of bee flies (Bombyliidae, Diptera) from the United Arab Emirates
Roberts, Huw |
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52 |
Non-choice vs. Free-choice: when and how Cydnoseius negevi (Swirski and Amitai) female attack its prey?
Ramadan, Mahmoud M. |
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53 |
Parasitizing efficiency of Tetrastichus howardi (Olliff) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) on Galleria mellonella (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) larva and pupa
Borase, D. N. |
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54 |
Pathogenicity, infection process, physiological and biochemical effects of Metarhizium rileyi against Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae
Yang, Xiaomeng |
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55 |
Pathogenicity of native strains of Bacillus thuringiensis, Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium rileyi as entomopathogens against the polyphagous borer, Conogethes punctiferalis (Guenée) (Crambidae: Lepidoptera)
Duraimurugan, P. |
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56 |
Population trends of the sugarcane leaf hopper Pyrilla perpusilla (Walker) (Homoptera: Lophopidae) and its parasitoids in relation to weather factors in the Tarai region of Uttarakhand, India
Tanveer, Saba |
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57 |
Screening of indigenous Bacillus thuringiensis for dipteran active cry gene profiles and potential toxicity against melon fruit fly, Zeugodacus cucurbitae (Coquillett)
Aarthi, N. |
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58 |
Selection and molecular identification of specific entomopathogens in South Sulawesi and the pathogenicity to fall armyworm (Spodopterafrugiperda JE. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Najamuddin, Erwin |
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59 |
Simultaneous use of Beauveria bassiana and Bacillus subtilis-based biopesticides contributed to dual control of Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) and tomato powdery mildew without antagonistic interactions
Komagata, Yasuyuki |
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60 |
Studies of certain parameters affecting two parasitoid species, Trichogramma evanescens Westwood and Trichogrammatoidea bactrae Nagaraja (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), on egg host, Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier) (Gelechiidae: Lepidoptera)
Abdel Halim, Esraa M. |
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61 |
Susceptibility of immature Telenomus remus, an egg parasitoid of Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith), to entomopathogenic fungi from South Sumatra, Indonesia
Putri, Qarina Shafira |
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62 |
Sustainable biocontrol of purple blotch disease in Allium cepa L. by biocontrol yeasts, Pichia kluyveri and Filobasidium wieringae
Abo-Elyousr, Kamal A. M. |
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63 |
Synergistic effect of Metarhizium flavoviride and Serratia marcescens on western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)
Koç, Muhammed |
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64 |
Trichoderma atroviride isolated from diseased apple stem have possible biocontrol effect and tolerance toward azoxystrobin and difenoconazole
Cun, Haichun |
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65 |
Unveiling the potential of Trichoderma harzianum against Heterodera cajani in pigeon pea: impact on cysts, egg and juveniles abundance
Maurya, Amit Kumar |
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66 |
Using predatory species and entomopathogenic fungi as alternatives to chemical pesticides in green bean field
Kamel, Hamzah M. |
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67 |
Utilization of dark septate endophytes (DSE) to control pathogens causing diseases in various cultivated plants: a review
Mariani, Mariani |
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68 |
Virulence of Jordanian indigenous Beauveria bassiana isolates as entomopathogenic fungi against red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
Irshaid, Leena A. |
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