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                             7 results found
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1 Faculty Time Expenditure Across Research, Teaching, and Service: Do Gender Differences Persist? Allen, Tammy D.

7 4 p. 805-818
2 How Supervisor Incivility Begets Employee Silence: The Role of Trust in Supervisor and Perceived Organizational Support Rodriguez, Wiston A.

7 4 p. 745-770
3 Navigating a Context of Severe Uncertainty: The Effect of Industry Unsafety Signals on Employee Well-being During the COVID-19 Crisis LeNoble, Chelsea

7 4 p. 707-743
4 Reciprocal Effects of Sickness Presence, Job Satisfaction, and Health: A Six-Wave Longitudinal Study Dietz, Carolin

7 4 p. 647-680
5 The Impact of Telework on Conflict between Work and Family: A Meta-Analytic Investigation Beckel, Julia L. O.

7 4 p. 681-706
6 The Relationship Between Organizational Dehumanization and Family Functioning Cheung, Francis

7 4 p. 793-803
7 Worry About Guest Mistreatment and Endorsement of COVID-19 Safety Policies DiStaso, Michael J.

7 4 p. 771-792
                             7 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands