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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 “Are We Working (Too) Comfortably?”: Understanding the Nature of and Factors Associated with Sedentary Behaviour When Working in the Home Environment Niven, Ailsa

7 1 p. 71-88
2 Do Goal Setting and Implementation Intentions Affect Detachment and Next-Day Fatigue? van Eerde , Wendelien

7 1 p. 167-187
3 Fear and Trembling While Working in a Pandemic: an Exploratory Meta-Analysis of Workers’ COVID-19 Distress Jimenez, William P.

7 1 p. 39-69
4 How and When do Employees Energize Their Team Members? The Role of Team Boosting Behaviors Fortuin, Denise

7 1 p. 143-165
5 Isolated and Stressed? Examining the Effects of Management Communication in Alleviating Mental Health Symptoms during COVID-19 Sawhney, Gargi

7 1 p. 89-110
6 The Dobbs Decision and the Future of Occupational Health in the US Bergman, Mindy E.

7 1 p. 1-37
7 Worrying About Finances During COVID-19: Resiliency Enhances the Effect of Worrying on Both Proactive Behavior and Stress Fa-Kaji, Naomi M.

7 1 p. 111-142
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland