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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An Alpha, Beta and Gamma Approach to Evaluating Occupational Health Organizational Interventions: Learning from the Measurement of Work-Family Conflict Change Livingston, Beth A.

6 4 p. 513-543
2 Applying Psychological Contract Theory to Link Customer Sexual Harassment to Work and Health-Related Outcomes Morganson, Valerie J.

6 4 p. 565-584
3 Correction to Workplace Supported Recovery from Substance Use Disorders: Defining the Construct, Developing a Model, and Proposing an Agenda for Future Research Frone, Michael R.

6 4 p. 631-632
4 Creating Clarity and Crew Courage: Preventive and Promotive Measures for a Maritime Industry Without Bullying and Harassment Boström, Magnus

6 4 p. 605-629
5 Examining Nonlinear Effects of Crafting Social Resources on Work Engagement – the Moderating Role of Exhaustion Lopper, Elisa

6 4 p. 585-604
6 When Thoughts Have No Off Switch: The Cost of Telepressure and Message-based Communication behaviour within Boundary-crossing Contexts Cambier, Ruben

6 4 p. 545-564
7 Workplace Supported Recovery from Substance Use Disorders: Defining the Construct, Developing a Model, and Proposing an Agenda for Future Research Frone, Michael R.

6 4 p. 475-511
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland