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                             6 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Beyond Just Resilience: The Important Role of Work-Family Resources for Military Service Members Wong, Jacqueline R

6 3 p. 425-450
2 Does sending Safety Toolbox Talks by text message to Residential Construction Supervisors increase Safety Meeting Compliance? Rice, Sean P.M.

6 3 p. 313-332
3 Gender Differences in Parental Leave Before and after the Introduction of a Paid Parental Leave Policy: A Sequence Analysis of Administrative Time-Keeping Records Goodman, Julia M.

6 3 p. 333-362
4 Organizational Context as a Predictor of Positive Adjustment among Soldiers Following Combat Deployment Gutierrez, Ian A.

6 3 p. 451-473
5 Selection, Optimization, and Compensation Strategies and Within-Day Changes in Occupational Well-Being Moghimi, Darya

6 3 p. 363-385
6 “Your help isn’t helping me!” Unhelpful workplace social support, strain, and the role of individual differences Hughes, Ian M.

6 3 p. 387-423
                             6 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland