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                             6 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Effects of Social and Occupational Stress, and Physical Strain on Suicidal Ideation Among Law Enforcement Officers Beauchamp, Alaina M.

6 1 p. 131-147
2 Ethnic Differences in Context: Does Emotional Conflict Mediate the Effects of Both Team- and Individual-Level Ethnic Diversity on Emotional Strain? Kößler, Franziska J.

6 1 p. 27-49
3 How Supervisor Passivity Begets Subordinate Incivility: a Moderated Mediation Model Alenick, Paige R.

6 1 p. 111-130
4 Job Insecurity during an Economic Crisis: the Psychological Consequences of Widespread Corporate Cost-Cutting Announcements Van Egdom, Drake

6 1 p. 1-25
5 Keeping Up With Work Email After Hours and Employee Wellbeing: Examining Relationships During and Prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic Tedone, Archana Manapragada

6 1 p. 51-72
6 Musculoskeletal Health and Perceived Work Ability in a Manufacturing Workforce Dugan, Alicia G.

6 1 p. 73-110
                             6 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland