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                             8 results found
no title author magazine year volume issue page(s) type
1 Analyzing the condition of Japanese electricity cost linkages by fossil fuel sources after the Fukushima disaster Aruga, Kentaka

4 1 p. 91-100
2 Assessment of battery storage utilization in distribution feeders Almehizia, Abdullah A.

4 1 p. 101-112
3 Current status and future perspectives for localizing the solar photovoltaic industry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia AlOtaibi, Zaid S.

4 1 p. 1-9
4 Governing energy consumption in China: a comprehensive assessment of the energy conservation target responsibility system Lo, Kevin

4 1 p. 57-67
5 Governing renewable energy transition in conflict contexts: investigating the institutional context in Palestine Khaldi, Yasser M.

4 1 p. 69-90
6 Optimizing Qatar’s energy system for a post-carbon future Bohra, Moiz

4 1 p. 11-29
7 Techno-economic assessment for energy transition from diesel-based to hybrid energy system-based off-grids in Saudi Arabia Al-Shamma’a, Abdullrahman Abdullah

4 1 p. 31-43
8 The greenhouse gas effects of increased US oil and gas production Raimi, Daniel

4 1 p. 45-56
                             8 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands