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                             5 results found
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1 Cross-language activation of culture-specific features in Chinese–English bilinguals Pan, Xuan

5 3 p. 325-344
2 Homograph and homophone readings in Hong Kong bilingual children with autism spectrum disorder Tam, Stephanie Siu Ling

5 3 p. 405-420
3 Idiom and proverb processing in autism: a systematic review and meta-analysis Morsanyi, Kinga

5 3 p. 367-387
4 Linguocultural cognition manifested in spoken narratives in L2 English by native Chinese and Korean speakers Pae, Hye K.

5 3 p. 345-365
5 Personal pronoun errors in form versus meaning produced by children with and without autism spectrum disorder Zane, Emily

5 3 p. 389-404
                             5 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands