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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Amerindian conceptions on ‘writing’, as object and practice Franchetto, Bruna

5 2 p. 85-100
2 Arabic teenagers’ attitudes to electronic writing in Arabizi Khatteb Abu-Liel, Aula

5 2 p. 125-142
3 Cultural influences on the relationship between self-concept, interest, task-focused behavior, and reading skills Inoue, Tomohiro

5 2 p. 311-323
4 Do illiterates have illusions? A conceptual (non)replication of Luria (1976) Arunkumar, Mrudula

5 2 p. 143-158
5 Foundations of graphonomy Daniels, Peter T.

5 2 p. 113-123
6 Functional illiteracy and developmental dyslexia: looking for common roots. A systematic review Vágvölgyi, Réka

5 2 p. 159-179
7 Instruction in second language enhances linguistic and cognitive abilities in first language as well: evidence from public school education in Nepal Pathak, Lekhnath Sharma

5 2 p. 287-310
8 Non-WEIRD experimental field work as bricolage: a discourse on methods in the investigation of deixis and coreference in the Karajá language of Central Brazil Maia, Marcus

5 2 p. 101-112
9 Seeing thought: a cultural cognitive tool Morais, José

5 2 p. 181-228
10 Seeing thought in the future: literate forecasting and forecasting literacy Morais, José

5 2 p. 229-265
11 Syntactic priming in illiterate and literate older Chinese adults Hu, Yuechan

5 2 p. 267-286
12 The literate mind Eviatar, Zohar

5 2 p. 81-84
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland