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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Mapping thematic roles onto grammatical functions in sentence production: evidence from structural priming in Italian Vernice, Mirta

3 supplement-1 p. 39-64
2 Priming semantic structure in Brazilian Portuguese Ziegler, Jayden

3 supplement-1 p. 25-37
3 Proficiency modulates between- but not within-language structural priming Favier, Saoradh

3 supplement-1 p. 105-124
4 Special issue on Structural Priming in Less-Studied Languages and Dialects: Introduction Pickering, Martin J.

3 supplement-1 p. 1-4
5 Structural priming in the production of Turkish possessive noun phrases and noun clauses Mercan, Gözde

3 supplement-1 p. 5-24
6 The production of passives by English-Norwegian and Turkish-Norwegian bilinguals: a preliminary investigation using a cross-linguistic structural priming manipulation Mercan, Gözde

3 supplement-1 p. 89-104
7 When eye fixation might not reflect online ambiguity resolution in the visual-world paradigm: structural priming following multiple primes in Portuguese Fernandes, Eunice G.

3 supplement-1 p. 65-87
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland