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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A high-position-resolution trajectory detector system for cosmic ray muon tomography: Monte Carlo simulation Zhai, Jiajia

6 2 p. 244-253
2 A new mobile grazing-incidence X-ray absorption fine spectroscopy endstation at Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility Yin, Zi

6 2 p. 194-200
3 Control and monitoring software of LHAASO DAQ Yu, Zezhong

6 2 p. 227-233
4 Design, construction, and offline calibration of ARPolar prototype for SXFEL facility Liu, Zipeng

6 2 p. 214-226
5 Design of the magnets for the HEPS injector Kang, Wen

6 2 p. 143-149
6 Estimation of the radiation backgrounds in the CEPC vertex detector Xu, Wei

6 2 p. 170-178
7 Material discrimination using cosmic ray muon scattering tomography with an artificial neural network He, Weibo

6 2 p. 254-261
8 Measurement of emittance at CSNS ion source without analyzing magnet Liu, Shengjin

6 2 p. 209-213
9 Mechanical design of an ultra-light vertex detector prototype for CEPC Fu, Jinyu

6 2 p. 159-169
10 Modelling the interaction of the Astro Bio Cube Sat with the Van Allen’s Belt radiative field using Monte Carlo transport codes Burgio, N.

6 2 p. 262-279
11 Neutron transmission imaging with a portable D-T neutron generator Kerr, Phillip

6 2 p. 234-243
12 Pulsed-wire system for undulator measurement Li, Zhiqiang

6 2 p. 150-158
13 Research on the measurement and shielding methods of the spatial electromagnetic radiation of the BEPCII Linac Shi, Hua

6 2 p. 187-193
14 Research on the slow orbit feedback of BEPCII using machine learning Bai, Yu

6 2 p. 179-186
15 RF design and test of a high-directivity high-power waveguide directional coupler for the HEPS He, Xiang

6 2 p. 137-142
16 Study on the H− stripping injection for the Rapid Cycling Synchrotron of the China Spallation Neutron Source Huang, Ming-Yang

6 2 p. 201-208
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland