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                             93 results found
no title author magazine year volume issue page(s) type
1 Aerobic exercise training effects on hippocampal volume in healthy older individuals: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Balbim, Guilherme Moraes

46 2 p. 2755-2764
2 Age- and sex-related differences in trunk kinematics during walking in able-bodied adults Van Criekinge, Tamaya

46 2 p. 2545-2559
3 Age-specific difference in the temporal relationships between updated cardiovascular health construct and arterial stiffness in middle-aged and older adults Huang, Jiaojiao

46 2 p. 2051-2062
4 A machine learning approach for quantifying age-related histological changes in the mouse kidney Sheehan, Susan

46 2 p. 2571-2581
5 Analysis of epigenetic clocks links yoga, sleep, education, reduced meat intake, coffee, and a SOCS2 gene variant to slower epigenetic aging Noroozi, Rezvan

46 2 p. 2583-2604
6 A network-based approach to explore comorbidity patterns among community-dwelling older adults living alone Lee, Chiyoung

46 2 p. 2253-2264
7 Antioxidants green tea extract and nordihydroguaiaretic acid confer species and strain-specific lifespan and health effects in Caenorhabditis nematodes Banse, Stephen A.

46 2 p. 2239-2251
8 Application of a mathematical model to clarify the statistical characteristics of a pan-tissue DNA methylation clock Okada, Daigo

46 2 p. 2001-2015
9 A simple framework to distinguish ‘individualistic’ from a ‘uniform rate’ of ageing within or between study populations Degens, Hans

46 2 p. 2765-2769
10 Association of skeletal muscle oxidative capacity with muscle function, sarcopenia-related exercise performance, and intramuscular adipose tissue in older adults Yoshiko, Akito

46 2 p. 2715-2727
11 Associations of circulating GDF15 with combined cognitive frailty and depression in older adults of the MARK-AGE study Kochlik, Bastian

46 2 p. 1657-1669
12 Associations of measured and genetically predicted leukocyte telomere length with vascular phenotypes: a population-based study Liu, Dan

46 2 p. 1947-1970
13 A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of physical exercise on white matter integrity and cognitive function in older adults Zhang, Weikun

46 2 p. 2641-2651
14 ATAC-clock: An aging clock based on chromatin accessibility Morandini, Francesco

46 2 p. 1789-1806
15 Beyond the aging spine – a systematic review of functional changes in the human brain in cervical spondylotic myelopathy Khan, Ali Fahim

46 2 p. 1421-1450
16 Bleomycin-treated myoblasts undergo p21-associated cellular senescence and have severely impaired differentiation Kamal, Michael

46 2 p. 1843-1859
17 Blood biomarker profiles and exceptional longevity: comparison of centenarians and non-centenarians in a 35-year follow-up of the Swedish AMORIS cohort Murata, Shunsuke

46 2 p. 1693-1702
18 Caspase 5 depletion is linked to hyper-inflammatory response and progeroid syndrome Hisama, Fuki M.

46 2 p. 2771-2775
19 Castration reduces mortality and increases resilience in male mice: what is next? Jiang, Nisi

46 2 p. 2787-2790
20 Cellular metabolic pathways of aging in dogs: could p53 and SIRT1 be at play? Jiménez, Ana Gabriela

46 2 p. 1895-1908
21 Changes in oral health during aging in a novel non-human primate model Abdul-Azees, Parveez Ahamed

46 2 p. 1909-1926
22 Comparative analysis of health status and health service utilization patterns among rural and urban elderly populations in Hungary: a study on the challenges of unhealthy aging Kovacs, Nora

46 2 p. 2017-2031
23 Comparing the associations between muscle strength, walking speed, and mortality in community-dwelling older adults of two birth cohorts born 28 years apart Koivunen, Kaisa

46 2 p. 1575-1588
24 Correction to: Blood biomarker profiles and exceptional longevity: comparison of centenarians and non‑centenarians in a 35‑year follow‑up of the Swedish AMORIS cohort Murata, Shunsuke

46 2 p. 2793-2794
25 Correction to: Functional mobility and physical fitness are improved through a multicomponent training program in institutionalized older adults López‑López, Sergio

46 2 p. 2797
26 Correction to: Higher testosterone and testosterone/estradiol ratio in men are associated with decreased Pheno‑/GrimAge and DNA‑methylation based PAI1 Kusters, Cynthia D. J.

46 2 p. 2791-2792
27 Correction to: Old plasma dilution reduces human biological age: a clinical study Kim, Daehwan

46 2 p. 2795
28 Correction to: Role of Toll-like receptor 2 and 4 signaling pathways on the inflammatory response to resistance training in elderly subjects Rodriguez-Miguelez, Paula

46 2 p. 2799
29 Correction to: Therapeutic efficacies of mitochondria‑targeted esculetin and metformin in the improvement of age‑associated atherosclerosis via regulating AMPK activation Pulipaka, Sriravali

46 2 p. 2801
30 Deep neural network-estimated age using optical coherence tomography predicts mortality Chen, Ruiye

46 2 p. 1703-1711
31 Degenerative cervical myelopathy: establishing severity thresholds for neuromotor dysfunction in the aging spine using the NIH Toolbox Assessment Scale Muhammad, Fauziyya

46 2 p. 2197-2206
32 Differential behavioral aging trajectories according to body size, expected lifespan, and head shape in dogs Turcsán, Borbála

46 2 p. 1731-1754
33 Differential predictability of cognitive profiles from brain structure in older males and females Jockwitz, Christiane

46 2 p. 1713-1730
34 Distinct subsets of anti-pulmonary autoantibodies correlate with disease severity and survival in severe COVID-19 patients Tóth, Emese

46 2 p. 1561-1574
35 Divergence in aerobic capacity and energy expenditure influence metabolic tissue mitochondrial protein synthesis rates in aged rats Franczak, Edziu

46 2 p. 2207-2222
36 Effect of calorie restriction on redox status during chemically induced estropause in female mice Ávila, Bianca M.

46 2 p. 2139-2151
37 Epicardial fat and insulin resistance in healthy older adults: a cross-sectional analysis Kalmpourtzidou, Aliki

46 2 p. 2123-2137
38 FABP7 drives an inflammatory response in human astrocytes and is upregulated in Alzheimer’s disease Hamilton, Haylee L.

46 2 p. 1607-1625
39 Frailty prevalence in 42 European countries by age and gender: development of the SHARE Frailty Atlas for Europe Pitter, János G.

46 2 p. 1807-1824
40 Geroprotective interventions converge on gene expression programs of reduced inflammation and restored fatty acid metabolism Landsberger, Tomer

46 2 p. 1627-1639
41 Hawaiian native herb Mamaki prevents dementia by ameliorating neuropathology and repairing neurons in four different mouse models of neurodegenerative diseases Umeda, Tomohiro

46 2 p. 1971-1987
42 Heterogeneity of increased biological age in type 2 diabetes correlates with differential tissue DNA methylation, biological variables, and pharmacological treatments Cortez, Briana N.

46 2 p. 2441-2461
43 HRV-guided training vs traditional HIIT training in cardiac rehabilitation: a randomized controlled trial Carrasco-Poyatos, María

46 2 p. 2093-2106
44 Identified senescence endotypes in aged cartilage are reflected in the blood metabolome Boone, Ilja

46 2 p. 2359-2369
45 Immune cell composition varies by age, sex and exposure to social adversity in free-ranging Rhesus Macaques Rosado, Mitchell R. Sanchez

46 2 p. 2107-2122
46 Immune proteins C1q and CD47 may contribute to aberrant microglia-mediated synapse loss in the aging monkey brain that is associated with cognitive impairment DeVries, Sarah A.

46 2 p. 2503-2519
47 Induction of proteasomal activity in mammalian cells by lifespan-extending tRNA synthetase inhibitors Mariner, Blaise L.

46 2 p. 1755-1773
48 Inhibition of p53-MDM2 binding reduces senescent cell abundance and improves the adaptive responses of skeletal muscle from aged mice Nolt, Georgia L.

46 2 p. 2153-2176
49 Intermittent working memory training during adulthood protects against age-related long-term spatial reference memory decline in rats Barbelivien, Alexandra

46 2 p. 2223-2237
50 Interplay of body mass index and metabolic syndrome: association with physiological age from midlife to late-life Ler, Peggy

46 2 p. 2605-2617
51 Intracellular iron accumulation facilitates mycobacterial infection in old mouse macrophages Kotey, Stephen K.

46 2 p. 2739-2754
52 In-vivo screening implicates endoribonuclease Regnase-1 in modulating senescence-associated lysosomal changes Venz, Richard

46 2 p. 1499-1514
53 Involvement of ApoE4 in dementia with Lewy bodies in the prodromal and demented stages: evaluation of the Strasbourg cohort Bousiges, Olivier

46 2 p. 1527-1542
54 Label-free quantitative proteomics in serum reveals candidate biomarkers associated with low bone mineral density in Mexican postmenopausal women Aparicio-Bautista, Diana I.

46 2 p. 2177-2195
55 Lateralized brunt of sleep deprivation on white matter injury in a rat model of Alzheimer’s disease Mao, Xin

46 2 p. 2295-2315
56 Low circulating levels of miR-17 and miR-126-3p are associated with increased mortality risk in geriatric hospitalized patients affected by cardiovascular multimorbidity Marchegiani, Francesca

46 2 p. 2531-2544
57 Lower muscle mitochondrial energetics is associated with greater phenotypic frailty in older women and men: the Study of Muscle, Mobility and Aging Mau, Theresa

46 2 p. 2409-2424
58 Machine learning-based morphological quantification of replicative senescence in human fibroblasts Welter, Emma M.

46 2 p. 2425-2439
59 Metabolic biomarkers using nuclear magnetic resonance metabolomics assay for the prediction of aging-related disease risk and mortality: a prospective, longitudinal, observational, cohort study based on the UK Biobank Lian, Jie

46 2 p. 1515-1526
60 Metabolomic characterization of vigor to frailty among community-dwelling older Black and White men and women Marron, Megan M.

46 2 p. 2371-2389
61 Murine cartilage microbial DNA deposition occurs rapidly following the introduction of a gut microbiome and changes with obesity, aging, and knee osteoarthritis Izda, Vladislav

46 2 p. 2317-2341
62 OVCH1 Antisense RNA 1 is differentially expressed between non-frail and frail old adults Abugessaisa, Imad

46 2 p. 2063-2081
63 PEDF protects retinal pigment epithelium from ferroptosis and ameliorates dry AMD-like pathology in a murine model Xiang, Wei

46 2 p. 2697-2714
64 Phenoage and longitudinal changes on transthoracic echocardiography in Alström syndrome: a disease of accelerated ageing? Patel, Leena

46 2 p. 1989-1999
65 Physiological phenotypes have optimal values relevant to healthy aging: sweet spots deduced from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Vishnyakova, Olga

46 2 p. 1589-1605
66 Practice makes imperfect: stronger implicit interference with practice in individuals at high risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease Hung, Shao-Min

46 2 p. 2777-2786
67 Prediction of 1-year change in knee extension strength by neuromuscular properties in older adults Hirono, Tetsuya

46 2 p. 2561-2569
68 Proteomic changes induced by longevity-promoting interventions in mice Burns, Adam R.

46 2 p. 1543-1560
69 Rapid measurement of ageing by automated monitoring of movement of C. elegans populations Zavagno, Giulia

46 2 p. 2281-2293
70 Recapitulation of anti-aging phenotypes by global overexpression of PTEN in mice Hager, Mary

46 2 p. 2653-2670
71 Reduction in metabolic noise reveals rejuvenation following transient severe caloric restriction Levkovich, Guy

46 2 p. 2343-2358
72 Role of the kisspeptin-KISS1R axis in the pathogenesis of chronic kidney disease and uremic cardiomyopathy Dinh, Hoa

46 2 p. 2463-2488
73 Salidroside promotes healthy longevity by interfering with HSP90 activity Zhang, Jianfei

46 2 p. 1641-1655
74 Senescence, regulators of alternative splicing and effects of trametinib treatment in progeroid syndromes Bramwell, Laura R.

46 2 p. 1861-1879
75 Serum methylmalonic acid concentrations at breast cancer diagnosis significantly correlate with clinical frailty Wu, Qi

46 2 p. 1489-1498
76 Sex-dependent associations of plasma high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and mortality risk in healthy older men and women: two prospective cohort studies Hussain, Sultana Monira

46 2 p. 1461-1475
77 Sex differences in biological aging and the association with clinical measures in older adults Phyo, Aung Zaw Zaw

46 2 p. 1775-1788
78 Sex differences in the progression to Alzheimer’s disease: a combination of functional and structural markers Fernández, Alberto

46 2 p. 2619-2640
79 Signs of aging in midlife: physical function and sex differences in microbiota Tzemah-Shahar, Roy

46 2 p. 1477-1488
80 Skeletal muscle myostatin mRNA expression is upregulated in aged human adults with excess adiposity but is not associated with insulin resistance and ageing Wilhelmsen, Andrew

46 2 p. 2033-2049
81 Socioeconomic status, lifestyle and risk of incident dementia: a prospective cohort study of 276730 participants Ou, Ya-Nan

46 2 p. 2265-2279
82 Soluble TNFR1 has greater reproducibility than IL-6 for the assessment of chronic inflammation in older adults: the case for a new inflammatory marker in aging Laskow, Thomas

46 2 p. 2521-2530
83 The association of leukocyte telomere length with exceptional longevity among older women Thai, Nhat Quang N.

46 2 p. 2083-2092
84 The CEPH aging cohort and biobank: a valuable collection of biological samples from exceptionally long-lived French individuals and their offspring for longevity studies How-Kit, Alexandre

46 2 p. 2681-2695
85 The effect of COVID-19 vaccination status on all-cause mortality in patients hospitalised with COVID-19 in Hungary during the delta wave of the pandemic Horvath, Viktor J.

46 2 p. 1881-1894
86 The effects of a new immersive multidomain training on cognitive, dual-task and physical functions in older adults Béraud-Peigné, Néva

46 2 p. 1825-1841
87 The 24-h profile of the DNA repair enzyme 8-oxoguanine glycosylase 1 (OGG1) is associated with age, TNF-α, and waist circumference in healthy adults Arkenberg, Per

46 2 p. 2489-2502
88 The impact of social determinants of health on early outcomes after adult Chiari surgery Tavakol, Sherwin

46 2 p. 1451-1459
89 The microarchitecture and chemical composition of the femur neck of senescent female rats after different physical training protocols dos Santos Silva, Rafael Augusto

46 2 p. 1927-1946
90 The prevalence of frailty and its effect on the outcome in cardiac resynchronization therapy patients Kuthi, Luca Katalin

46 2 p. 2671-2679
91 Therapeutic efficacies of mitochondria-targeted esculetin and metformin in the improvement of age-associated atherosclerosis via regulating AMPK activation Pulipaka, Sriravali

46 2 p. 2391-2408
92 Tobacco exposure, but not aging, shifts the frequency of peripheral blood B cell subpopulations Pinto, Thalyta Nery Carvalho

46 2 p. 2729-2738
93 Transcriptomics and biochemical evidence of trigonelline ameliorating learning and memory decline in the senescence-accelerated mouse prone 8 (SAMP8) model by suppressing proinflammatory cytokines and elevating neurotransmitter release Aktar, Sharmin

46 2 p. 1671-1691
                             93 results found
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