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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Holistic End-to-End Prescriptive Maintenance Framework Choubey, Suresh

4 1 artikel
2 Analysis of Fatigue Damage Information Obtained from Acoustic Emission Data Lumb, Rowan

4 1 artikel
3 Classification of Emergent Dynamics in Microgrids Utilizing an Entropic Complexity-Based Feature Extractor Ferdowsi, Farzad

4 1 artikel
4 Experimental Evaluation of the Formation and Evolution of Acrylic Polymer Composite Qi, Gang

4 1 artikel
5 Explainable AI Framework for Imaging-Based Predictive Maintenance for Automotive Applications and Beyond Krishnamurthy, Vikram

4 1 artikel
6 Failing And Not Falling (F&!F): Data-Enabled Classification Learning of Aircraft Accidents and Incidents Carson, Jarrod

4 1 artikel
7 Introduction to the Special Issue on Data-Enabled Discovery for Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems Gottumukkala, Raju

4 1 artikel
8 Kernel-Based Fuzzy Intuitionistic Possibilistic Clustering: Analyzing High-Dimensional Gene Expression Cancer Database R, Kannan S

4 1 artikel
9 Recurrence quantification analysis statistics for image feature extraction and classification Chomiak, Taylor

4 1 artikel
10 ROC with Cost Pareto Frontier Feature Selection Using Search Methods Meekins, Ryan

4 1 artikel
11 Scalable and Reliable Multi-dimensional Sensor Data Aggregation in Data Streaming Architectures Henning, Sören

4 1 artikel
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland