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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Fluorescein Derivative Chemosensor Combined with Triplet–Triplet Annihilation Upconversion System for Ratiometric Sensing of Cysteine Chen, Shuoran

7 4 p. 369-376
2 A New Highly Sensitive Optical Sensor Based on Congo-Red for the Determination of Thorium (IV) in Aqueous Solution Yari, Abdollah

7 4 p. 416-424
3 Copper Nitroprusside-Based Electrochemical Sensor for Detection of Tryptophan Sunon, Pachanuporn

7 4 p. 405-415
4 Direct Electrochemical Determination of Glyphosate Herbicide Using a Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode Modified with Carbon Black and Niobium Nanoparticles Fernandes, Julia Oliveira

7 4 p. 425-434
5 Functionalized Graphene Oxide with Bismuth and Titanium Oxide Nanoparticles for Efficiently Removing Formaldehyde from the Air by Photocatalytic Degradation–Adsorption Process Asl, Mohsen Mohammadi

7 4 p. 444-458
6 Gold Determination by Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometry After Preconcentration Using Natural Deep Eutectic Solvent Based on Menthol and Camphor Maksimova, Valeriia

7 4 p. 435-443
7 Investigation of Upconversion Luminescence Attenuation in Aqueous Solutions Under 980 nm and 808 nm Irradiation Zhai, Tianli

7 4 p. 377-383
8 Low-Dose X-Ray Activated Self-luminous Bone Cement with NIR-to-NIR Pseudo-upconverted Persistent Luminescence Sensitized by Nd Lin, Shaochen

7 4 p. 384-391
9 Plasma-Induced Interfacial Processes in Metal Halides FTIR Gas Cell Windows Olenik, Jaka

7 4 p. 392-404
10 Recent Advances in Triplet–Triplet Annihilation Upconversion for Bioimaging and Biosensing Lin, Wenyue

7 4 p. 327-344
11 Special Topic: Up-Conversion Luminescence Liu, Qian

7 4 p. 325-326
12 Upconversion Nanoparticle-Organic Dye Nanocomposites for Chemo- and Biosensing Guo, Mengchao

7 4 p. 345-368
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland