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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Modified QuEChERS-DART-MS/MS Technique for High-Throughput Detection of Organophosphate Nerve Agent Hydrolysis Products in Environmental Samples Qu, Gang

7 2 p. 163-171
2 A Novel Molecular Imprinted Polymers-Based Lateral Flow Strip for Sensitive Detection of Thiodiglycol Luo, Yujie

7 2 p. 110-117
3 A pH-Regulated Colorimetric Sensor Array for Discrimination of Biothiols Based on Two Different-Sized β-Cyclodextrin-Functionalized AuNPs Li, Hang

7 2 p. 101-109
4 Aptasensor Based on Screen-Printed Carbon Electrodes Modified with CS/AuNPs for Sensitive Detection of Okadaic Acid in Shellfish Zeng, Ni

7 2 p. 128-135
5 Automatic Determination of Water Hardness by Vector Colorimetry with Acid Chrome Blue K Gao, Su

7 2 p. 157-162
6 B-GQDs@GSH as a Highly Selective and Sensitive Fluorescent Probe for the Detection of Fe3+ in Water Samples and Intracellular Yang, Xiaohua

7 2 p. 147-156
7 Determination of Curcumin on Functionalized Carbon Nano Tube Modified Electrode and Probing its Interaction with DNA and Copper Ion Sahoo, S.

7 2 p. 136-146
8 Metabolomics Combined with Network Pharmacology Uncovers Effective Targets of Tao-Hong-Si-Wu Decoction for Its Protection from Sepsis-Associated Acute Lung Injury He, Jinzhi

7 2 p. 172-186
9 Polydopamine-Based Colorimetric Superwettable Biosensor for Highly Sensitive Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide and Glucose Li, Jinze

7 2 p. 118-127
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland